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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 佩服大众老板和$特斯拉(TSLA)$ Elon Musk的胸怀。

During the conference, Musk praised the German competitor. “Volkswagen is an icon,” he said, saying that he himself drove various VW and Porsche 911 models for a long time.

Asked how Tesla develops faster and is more agile than its competitors, Musk explained that it's all about management style. The head of Tesla is, first of all, an engineer, and in addition to the car itself, he is sharply focused on supply chains, logistics, and manufacturing processes. Musk also said he hoped Volkswagen would cope well with the changes in the industry.



2021-10-17 14:31


2021-10-17 15:28


2021-10-17 13:30


2021-10-17 13:05


-你说$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 为啥可以做到?技术和零部件垂直整合带来的优势。