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$潍柴动力(SZ000338)$  $巴拉德动力系统(BLDP)$ 是个全能选手,可是营收干不过Bloom Energy和Plug Power,即使从投资炒股的角度,已经为潍柴动力赚了不少钱,更重要的是学习了技术,推出了行业领先的交通、物流和电力解决方案。

   Shares of fuel cell maker Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP) have surged 45% so far in January, after rising 225% in 2020.

The recent growth of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) in China is particularly impressive. While the U.S. currently has the highest number of FCEVs on the road, China recorded the most new sales in 2019. In the buses and light-duty trucks segment, China has the lead. The country accounted for 97% of all fuel cell buses and 98% of all fuel cell trucks in use worldwide at the end of 2019. China's government has implemented policies supporting fuel cell technology and is targeting 1 million FCEVs and 1,000 hydrogen refueling stations by 2030. Ballard Power controls 45% of China's FCEV market, so it's well positioned to benefit from this growth.

Ballard Power also has a strong position globally in the fuel cell buses segment. It has more than 80% share in the European market and 95% share in the California market. 


2021-02-03 17:49

$潍柴动力(SZ000338)$ 的氢燃料电池,还包括固体氧化物,即使在中国市场,市场潜力堪比Bloom Energy+Plug Power。$巴拉德动力系统(BLDP)$ 的在北美的市场能力相比对手欠缺。

2021-02-03 17:49
