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$亿华通(SH688339)$ 招股说明书看$巴拉德动力系统(BLDP)$ 在氢燃料商用车发动机上还是全面领先,其装车运营里程大部分来自中国。$潍柴动力(SZ000338)$

Fuel cell EVs powered by Ballard have driven over 50M kilometers

Aug. 5, 2020 7:41 AM

Ballard Power Systems Inc. (BLDP)

By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

1. That's enough to circle the globe 1,250 times and marks an increase of over 5x since 2017. BLDP shares are up 4.6% premarket after disclosing the milestone, though earnings are coming later this morning.

2. Approximately 70% of the more than 50M kilometers has been achieved in FCEVs deployed in China, with the remaining vehicles deployed in Europe and North America. They include 1,000 fuel cell electric buses and 2,200 commercial trucks.

"To date, more than 66 countries have established net-zero carbon targets in 2050 and more than 20 governments, representing over 70% of global GDP, have announced hydrogen roadmaps," CEO Randy MacEwen declared. "Increasingly, policy is focused on decarbonizing heavy commercial vehicles that disproportionately contribute to transport emissions and have been difficult to abate - until now. The total addressable market for engines in these vehicles exceeds $130B annually."//@andyding:值得$潍柴动力(SZ000338)$的投资者认真阅读,一览氢燃料电池业界现状和中外厂商的技术实力。
2020-08-03 19:18
亿华通:首次公开发行股票并在科创板上市招股说明书 网页链接