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It is now 14 days before the 2023 rate hike in March. Currently, the market is expecting a 25 bp rate rise in March. Let us briefly extrapolate and find out some details about the current theoretical value of the 2Y yield.


Start with extreme optimism


A 2023, a serious incident, interest rates were cut to zero on the spot and kept there. 

则3月的2Y应该是2.22,ZT期货升水当然维持到2023 12月,还有三个季度的换季亏损。

March 2Y should be 2.42, ZT futures premium of course maintained until 202312, there are three quarters of quarterly loss.


There is a lot of extrapolation to this scenario, such as from June to 2024 February, when interest rates are cut to zero at a maximum rate of -0.75 per month, which translates to 2.01 per month.

期货贴水仍然会维持到12月,因为2023年 2Y的市场公允利率才会高于现金利率。

The futures discount will remain in place until December, when the market-based 2023 rate for <noun_2y will be higher than the cash rate. 


Moderate optimism

加息周期于2023 3月结束,终点5.0.

The rate-raising cycle ended in March 2023, with the end point at 5.0.


Since the 2023 rate cut began in July, the package has been homomorphic to the cycle of interest rate rises. The 2024 fell to 0-0.25 in July


In March, if the CPI is right and this expectation is in line with market reality, interest rates could fall to 2.70


To derive the same path of interest rate cuts, if


The 2023 rate cut in September was 3.01%


The 2023 rate cut, which began in November, was 3.32 per cent


The 2023 rate cut in December was 3.65 per cent


Based on the market has been trading at 03.14 at the lowest level of 3.83, you can calculate the path of this rate cut is the worst.

第二类情况,加息周期于2023 1月结束,终点4.75.【目前芝加哥所掉期的最大概率】

In the second scenario, the cycle ended in November 2023 with a final point of 4.75. The maximum probability of a swap in Chicago today


The 2023 rate cut, which began in July, is set at 0.25 per cent.


第三类情况,加息周期于2023 5月结束,终点5.25。6月开始降息,-0.25为梯度。


3.91, which is close to the most optimistic view of the current market.


Medium pessimism

情形1,加息周期于2023 5月结束,终点5.25。11月开始降息,-0.25为梯度。

Scenario 1, the rate-raising cycle ends at 5.25 in May 20235. Interest rates were cut in November, with a gradient of -0.25.


Of course, we can actually assume that the market is several cognitive people in the game, but everyone in a certain range of options to increase or reduce the position of decision-making only.

情形2,加息周期于2023 5月结束,终点5.5。12月开始降息,-0.25为梯度。

Scenario 2, the rate-raising cycle ends in May 20235 with an end point of 5.5. Interest rates were cut in December, with a gradient of -0.25.


4.90, in line with market perception around March 8. Note that there are some deviations in data such as the start date, but the orders of magnitude do not conflict much.


Very pessimistic


Due to exceptional circumstances, the core CPI continued to rebound, with the final rate end point at 6.0, and the 2024 rate cut only began in June.


That would be a safe place to add to the position if the U. S. could hold its job rate at that level for so long.


Although the loss to my account will not be small, but then the house is much cheaper it is hard to imagine.



Well, as neutral as possible to write an article, I am currently neutral optimism. Written before