The Standard: Better times cheer liquor distributor

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P11   |   Business  |   By Elise Choi  |   2014-12-02

$银基集团(00886)$ said it expects to  return to the black in the next six months amid the traditional peak sales  period for liquor in the mainland.

The mainland liquor distributor on Friday  reported a consolidated net loss of HK$131.89 million during the six months  ended September 30. The loss excludes the HK$163.9 million gain from  write-back of impairment.

The group, which in the past sold mostly  high-end products, said it will now focus on middle- and low-end items, with  prices ranging from 30 yuan (HK$37.82) to 100 yuan per bottle by expanding  its e-commerce channels.

Chairman and chief executive officer Liang Guoxing said  it will open online shops on instant messaging platform WeChat next year.  Also, it will cooperate with Shenzhen Shunfeng Commercial to utilize Shunfeng  Heike, an online and offline e-commerce platform of SF Express for promotion  and sales. The firm revealed sales generated from e-commerce accounted for 40  percent of total revenue and 10 percent of gross profit margin for the  interim fiscal period.

``The worst time for the baijiu market  has passed after more than two years of market adjustment,'' Liang said.

Baijiu mass and commercial consumption  has gradually replaced government consumption, he said.