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25. Keynes: Great “wisdom” about investing
25. 凯恩斯:关于投资的伟大“智慧”

WARREN BUFFETT: Zone 2? 巴菲特:2区?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: (Inaudible) from Houston, Texas. From time to time, you have quoted John Maynard Keynes, the British economist.
观众:(听不清)来自德克萨斯州休斯顿。你不时引用英国经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的话。


So, I would assume that you have read the investment writings very extensively. What are two or three investment lessons, in your opinion, one can learn from that economist?

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, I forget which, I think it’s chapter eight of “The General Theory,” do you remember Charlie? Or is it chapter —


WARREN BUFFETT: There’s one chapter in “The General Theory” that relates to markets, and the psychology of markets, and the behavior of market participants and so on, that probably is, aside from Ben Graham’s two chapters, eight and 20, in “The Intelligent Investor” — I think you’ll find you’ll get as much wisdom from reading that as anything written in investments. And you’ll know it when you see it in “The General Theory.”
巴菲特:《通论》中有一章与市场、市场心理、市场参与者的行为等有关,除了本·格雷厄姆(Ben Graham)在《聪明的投资者》(The Intelligent Investor)中的两章(第八章和20章)之外,我想你会发现,从阅读这些内容中,你会得到的智慧与投资中写的任何东西一样多。当你在《通论》中看到它时,你就会知道它。

It’s a chapter that jumps out to you about securities and so on. And I — could be chapter eight, but I may be wrong on that. But I would recommend reading that.

Keynes and Graham, from vastly different starting points, came to the same conclusion at about the same time in the ’30s, as to the soundest way to invest over time. They differed some on their ideas on diversification. Keynes believed in diversifying far less than did Graham.

But Keynes started off with the wrong theory, I would say, in the ’20s and essentially tried to predict business cycles in markets, and then shifted to fundamental analysis of businesses in the ’30s, and did extremely well.

And about the same time, Graham was writing his first material. I think Janet Lowe, in her book on Ben Graham, actually has a little correspondence that took place between Keynes and Ben. So I would advise you to read that.
大约在同一时间,格雷厄姆正在写他的第一个材料。我认为珍妮特·洛(Janet Lowe)在她关于本·格雷厄姆(Ben Graham)的书中,实际上有一段凯恩斯和本之间的通信。所以我建议你阅读它。

And there’s some letters of his that he — of Keynes’ — that he wrote to co-trustees of life insurance societies, and colleges, and so on, that I think you’d find interesting, too.

Morning Session - 2022 Meeting

On the other hand, if you go back, perhaps the greatest chapter ever written on the operation of markets, particularly the stock market, is in a book, probably one of the most famous books in economic history, The General Theory, written by John Maynard Keynes. I think it was 1936.
另一方面,如果你回过头来看,也许有史以来关于市场运作,特别是股票市场最伟大的章节是在一本书中,可能是经济史上最著名的书之一,约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯写的《通论》。我想那是 1936 年。

And I don’t know whether it’s chapter — I think it was chapter 12 — but whatever it is, he describes what markets are all about in 1936. And he describes something, in beautiful prose, that explains why the whole country in March of this year was sitting around trading Occidental in some crazy way that enabled us to buy a quarter of what wasn’t owned by four other institutions that weren’t going to sell.

But we could buy a quarter of it. And we could’ve bought a lot more. I mean — you just wondered if there was anybody that really was thinking about investment. If you —

Going back to investing, I mean, investing is laying out money now with the hope of getting back more later on. It’s really laying out purchasing power now with the hope of getting more purchasing power back.

But that’s the reason you’d — and, you know, that’s the way you learn in the textbooks, that you defer consumption now so you can consume more later on, so that you can take care of your family — all these things about how investment takes place.

And that is what happens with farms. I mean, if somebody buys a farm and they, generally, they ultimately leave it to their kids or they got it from their parents.

And, I mean, they don’t sit there every day and, you know, get quotes 15 times a day and say, you know, I’d like to get a call — I’d like to sell a put, you know, on the guy’s farm next to me. And you can have a call on mine. And then I’ll have something called a straddle or a strangle, or whatever it may be. And, you know, they just —
而且,我的意思是,他们不是每天都坐在那里,你知道,每天得到15次报价,然后说,你知道,我想接到一个电话 - 我想在我旁边的那个人的农场里卖一个看跌期权。你可以打电话给我。然后我会有一种叫做跨式或绞杀的东西,或者其他什么。而且,你知道,他们只是——

They go about making the farm worth more money. And they do the same thing if they’ve got an auto dealership. And they do the same thing, you know, if they’ve got an apartment house. They look to improve it and attract tenants, all those kind of things. And —

Forty — what would it be? — 40 trillion at least, you know, of the ownership of all of the American business — people treat it as poker chips or pulling the handle.

And they’ve got systems set up so that if you want to buy a three-day call on a stock, you can do it. And they make more money selling you calls than if you buy stocks. So, they teach you on calls. (Laughs)

Nobody’s going around selling calls on farms or anything of the sort.

But that’s why markets do crazy things. And occasionally, Berkshire gets a chance to do something. And it’s —

It’s not because we’re smart. It’s because we’re — the only thing I can say we’re qualified on —and sometimes I wonder about that — but I think we’re sane. You know, I mean, and that’s the main requirement in this business.

And — Charlie? 还有——查理?

Morning Session - 1998 Meeting

9. Efficient market hypothesis “contaminates” business schools
9. 有效市场假说“污染”商学院


AUDIENCE MEMBER: Good morning. My name is Joe Lacey (PH). I’m from Austin, Texas.
观众:早上好。我的名字是Joe Lacey(PH)。我来自德克萨斯州奥斯汀。

In this era when the financial departments of the institutions of higher learning are referring to you as an anomaly, and they preach the efficient markets hypothesis, saying that you can’t outperform the market, where does one go to find a mentor like you found in Ben Graham? Someone you can ask questions to regarding value investing.

WARREN BUFFETT: My understanding is that the University of Florida has instituted a couple of courses that, actually, Mason Hawkins gave them a significant amount of money to finance. And I believe they’re teaching something other than efficient markets there.

There’s a very good course at Columbia I know that gets a lot of visiting teachers to come in. I go there and teach occasionally, but a number of practitioners do.

So there — I think the efficient market theory is less holy writ now than it was 15 or 20 years ago in universities, but it’s — there’s a lot of it taught, but I think you can find more diversity in what is being offered now than ten or 20 years ago. And I’d recommend, you know, looking into those two schools.

You know, it’s really quite useful. If you had a merchant shipping business, if all of your competitors believe the world is flat, you know, that is a huge edge, because they will not take on any cargo to go to places that are beyond where they think they will fall off. And so we should be encouraging the teaching of efficient market theories in universities. (Laughter)

It amazes me. But, you know, I think one time that — was it Keynes that said that most economists are most economical about ideas? That they make the ones they learned in graduate school last a lifetime. (Laughter)

And what happens is that you spend years getting your Ph.D. in finance and you learn theories with a lot of mathematics in them that the average layman can’t do.

And you become sort of a high priest. And you get an enormous amount of yourself and ego, and even professional security, invested in those ideas. And it gets very hard to back off after a given point. And I think that to some extent has contaminated the teaching of investing in the universities.

Charlie? 查理?

CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, I would argue that the contamination was massive. (Laughter)

But it’s waning. 但它正在减弱。

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah, it is waning.

CHARLIE MUNGER: It’s waning. The good ideas eventually triumph.

WARREN BUFFETT: Yeah. The word “anomaly” I’ve always found interesting on that, because, you know, after a while — I mean Columbus was an anomaly, I suppose, for a while. But what it means is something that the academicians could not explain, and rather than re-examine their theories, they simply discarded any evidence of that sort as anomalous.

And I think when you find information that contradicts previously cherished beliefs, that you’ve got a special obligation to look at it and look at it quickly.

I think Charlie told me that one of the things Darwin did was that whenever he found anything that contradicted some previous belief, he knew that he had to write it down almost immediately because he felt that the human mind was conditioned, so conditioned to reject contradictory evidence, that unless he got it down in black and white very quickly his mind would simply push it out of existence.

Charlie knows more about Darwin than I do. Maybe he can explain that.

CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, I don’t know about Darwin, but I did find it amusing. One of these extreme efficient market theorists explained Warren for many, many years as an anomaly of luck. And he got the six sigmas, six standard deviations of luck. And then people started laughing at him because six sigmas of luck is a lot. So he changed his theory. Now Warren has six or seven sigmas of skill. (Laughter)


CHARLIE MUNGER: So you see —

WARREN BUFFETT: I’d rather have the six sigmas of luck, actually. (Laughter)

CHARLIE MUNGER: The one thing he couldn’t bear to leave was his six sigmas. (Laughter)

