发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:0喜欢:0
回复@MagnetMan: 2280, 963, 3336 rebounced for window dressing in end 2014. no hope.
206 really 残花败柳, cannot understand why.
i will choose $S.A.S.Dragon(01184)$ $中集安瑞科(03899)$ $安东油田服务(03337)$ $海隆控股(01623)$ $华油能源(01251)$ 
Just a little bit for each to verify the long-lasting theory - each dog will have its tail. hope I can buy them in Jan and also have enough patience to hold them till end of year.
//@MagnetMan:回复@東尼查:$TSC集团(00206)$ 如何,残花败柳股
2014-12-17 18:30
打算2014最後一個星期買入几只狗股 有推薦嗎?$中集安瑞科(03899)$ $慧聪网(02280)$ $FutureBright(00703)$ $安东油田服务(03337)$