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$SolarCity(SCTY)$  $第一太阳能(FSLR)$ 号外号外:众议院筹款委员会主席、密歇根共和党众议员Dave Camp提交议案,动议提前终结联邦政府对太阳能行业的税收优惠政策。3/26/2014

“Solar industry may face disaster as lawmakers introduce bills to end tax credits“

A pair of U.S. House bills ask for an end to tax credits responsible for creating and propping up the American solar energy industry.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, a Michigan Republican, proposes an end to the federal giveaways. Fellow GOP Congressman Mike Pompeo of Kansas has introduced a similar bill.

“For years we had worked on building consensus among our caucus against tax credits for energy companies — oil, gas, wind, solar — because profitable corporations shouldn’t rely on taxpayer support. They should rely on customers,” Pompeo said in a written statement.

California-based SolarCity, one of the nation’s largest solar system contractors, has admitted in Securities and Exchange Commission filings that any curtailment of tax dollars would spell doom. Nearly a third of the cost of its equipment has been paid for by the taxpayer.


2014-03-27 16:36

讨论已被 星云骑士 删除

2014-03-27 11:57

这个会对scty影响比较大吧,fslr本来就不享受补贴的@国老 看看是吗?

$SolarCity(SCTY)$ 发这条号外的时候,股价还在64。一根筋做多的人罗列种种理由说这不是个事。我只想说干嘛跟新闻、趋势、钱过不去呢?你把我辩得体无完肤都行,只要你开心。我只在乎绿油油的USD进账户就OK了。。

Here comes the plummeting!  Enjoy the ride to 57s or even lower.

原来这波下跌是这个原因,scty的股价蛮好操控的,让议员提个议案就可以做空一轮。还好看了纸牌屋,对美国的政治文化略有了解。上次下跌又是因为补贴问题,这是买$SolarCity(SCTY)$ 要好好想清楚的事,政策风险。

2014-03-26 23:26


2014-03-26 23:24


2014-03-26 23:21


2014-03-26 23:20


2014-03-26 23:20
