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回复@老美啊: 谢谢,我们在评估这个信息。东京电力(福岛核电站的运营方)取消和 $Cameco(CCJ)$ 的合同。//@老美啊:回复@TLS美股研究:eb 1 (Reuters) - Canadian uranium producer Cameco Corp <CCO.TO> said on Wednesday that Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) <9501.T>, the operator of Japan's wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant, had scrapped its uranium supply contract with the company.     Cameco, one of the world's largest uranium producers, said it considered Tepco's move to terminate the contract unfair and that it would pursue legal action. [nMKW36lF6a]     Cameco said Tepco cited a force majeure for ending the contract as it had been unable to operate its nuclear plants for 18 straight months due to Japanese regulations arising from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident.     The company said it was notified of the contract termination by Tepco last week.      Tepco's move comes amid a fall in demand for uranium that is largely a result of the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown, which led to shutdowns of all of Japan's nuclear reactors.     Some reactors have since come back online, but global inventories of the radioactive metal remain high.     Cameco warned late last year that the uranium market would remain depressed until Japan's nuclear reactors were restarted and excess supply was depleted.     Tepco's termination of the contract would affect about 9.3 million pounds of uranium deliveries through 2028, worth about C$1.3 billion ($995.41 million) in revenue to Cameco, the Saskatoon, Canada-based company said.     Cameco also said it expected 2017 revenue of C$2.1 billion to C$2.2 billion, inclusive of Tepco's volume, adding that it could withstand any potential loss of revenue this year from the dispute.     ($1 = 1.3060 Canadian dollars)
2017-01-27 03:33
$Cameco(CCJ)$ 我刚刚调整了雪球组合 $TLS新思路稳健(ZH975441)$ 的仓位。CCJ是全球最大的铀矿生产商之一,其铀矿成本较低。我们认为铀价在从多年低估反弹,由于中国为了环境保护大力推广核能,及川普重振美国核武库的板块效应提振,值得中长线布局。我们近日会发布研报,请关注微信【TLSmeigu】


2017-02-01 22:32

上个月我说这股吊贵。还是$Uranium Energy(UEC)$$中广核矿业(01164)$便宜!