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$斯凯(MOBI)$ According to Mr. John Bi, "在过去的一个月内,斯凯独代的《永恒之井》在IOS上取得了非常靓丽的成绩,5月底就达到了次日留存48%、付费率6%、日付费ARPU120元人民币的骄人业绩"
This is very good. Does anyone know how many people are playing this game in one day? Assuming 200,000 players per day. the reveune coming from this game is 200,000*6%*120=1,440,000 RMB a day, about 130,000,000 RMB a quarter.

网页链接 "端午节期间推出的四大节日活动,更是刺激了小长假期间居家休息的玩家神经,不仅所有服务器都玩家爆棚,就连节日前夕刚刚开放的新服也已“人满为患”"

It seems that they added new servers to support the demand. Does anyone have a better way to estimate the revenue from《永恒之井? thanks.


2014-06-06 05:07
