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$Brookfield基础设施(BIP)$ 二季度股东信里提到了这笔交易:
The 50% interest in our New Zealand integrated data distribution business to our existing joint venture partner, for $1.1 billion (BIP’s share – approximately $275 million), which closed in June. When combined with the sale of the tower assets to core buyers late last year, we generated a 31% IRR and 2.6x multiple of capital over a four-year hold period.
$布鲁克菲尔德(BN)$ 二季度股东信也提到这笔交易:
Our 50% ownership in our mobile network operator in New Zealand at an implied enterprise value of NZ$5.9 billion. The sale in New Zealand completes the exit from a business we acquired with a partner four years ago, generating an IRR of 31% and a multiple of capital of 2.6x
//@shuli: 这笔交易查了下资料:
1)2019年,Vodafone New Zealand Limited以NZ$ 3,400 million被收购——BAM和infratil各出资 NZ$1,029 million收购49.95%股权(剩余部分股权在被收购公司管理层手里),剩余收购资金的以infratil债务和股权融资补足;
2) 2022年,以NZ$1,700 million卖掉了资产包中的铁塔资产;
3)2023年,BN以NZ1,800 million卖掉了手头49.95%的股权。
期间Vodafone NZ是否有分红没有去查证,infratil是上市公司,要查的话能查到。但哪怕就只看这几笔交易价格,可以说是相当成功的交易,有兴趣的可以算算XIRR。BN里面出这笔钱的是BIP。
2023-06-07 14:58
智通财经APP获悉,通过 收购其合作伙伴 布鲁克菲尔德 资产管理公司 (BAM.US)持有的股份, 新西兰投资公司Infratil将全面控制该国第二大电信公司One New Zealand。 Infratil 周三表示,通过以18亿新西兰元(11亿美元)的价格购买布鲁克菲尔... 网页链接