SoFi 会被分拆

发布于: 雪球转发:5回复:41喜欢:5
As part of the spin-off, what specifically will be included in “minority stakes in privatelyheld companies”? Would this include Renren’s shares of Social Finance Inc.?

A1. The complete list of minority stakes in privately held companies to be included within thecompany to be spun off (“SpinCo”) is still subject to change and will depend in part onthe outcome of negotiations between the Special Committee and the investors to whomwe ultimately agree to sell shares in SpinCo. However, we plan to include our shares ofSocial Finance Inc. within SpinCo. (计划是把SoFi 包含在分拆的公司中的 )

Q2 Will all the long-term investments be included in SpinCo for the spin-off?

A2. We anticipate that most (by value)(按照价值算,有价值的长期投资,都会被分拆) of the long-term investments on our balance sheet willbe included in SpinCo for the spin-off, subject to the outcome of negotiations withinvestors.

Q3. How often are the long-term investments on the balance sheet revalued to fair marketvalue?
A3. Please see the section entitled “Critical Accounting Policies” in our annual report onForm 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2015. We prepare a balance sheet at the endof each quarter.  (按2015年 12月31日的评估,是明显被低估的, 没有按软银40亿美元的估值进行计算)

Q4. How much debt will SpinCo have?
A4. We incurred debt to finance our acquisition of shares of Social Finance Inc. in 2015.Please see note 12 to our financial statements in our annual report on Form 20-F for theyear ended December 31, 2015. We plan to include the outstanding balance of this debtin SpinCo together with our shares of Social Finance Inc.

Q5. When will the spin-off be completed?
A5. We are aiming to complete the spin-off by the end of the first quarter of 2016 (应该是有笔误,是计划2017年第一季度完成), but thetiming may be affected by factors that are not within our control. In particular, the specialcommittee will determine, in its sole discretion, how much time it requires to complete itsreview of the terms of the spin-off.


2017-05-03 12:56


2016-12-24 10:07

即便是合格投资者,他们也还有很多考量。 比如有些机构投资者,他们因为是用的别人的钱投资, 退出时间是有要求的。 持有SpinCo 的非上市公司股份,流动性消失了; 而且SpinCo 是持有多个非上市公司股份,即便其中一家公司上市了,SpinCo 本身股票流动性如何,股票价值怎么计算,也是比较麻烦的。 如果SpinCo 是个private 公司,他可来个政策,股票只能由大股东回购,合格投资者也会比较头疼。


2016-12-24 00:59

$人人(RENN)$  我给盛大投资写了封信,, 建议他们看看

2016-12-23 23:59


2016-12-23 23:47

另外, “人人公司拟向选择行权的股东分配不低于80%的SpinCo股票,且人人公司拟按照现行美国税法的相关要求,将此次拆分设计为对美国股东的“免税拆分”。”  这意味着,有可能有不高与20% 的Spinco 股份,会保留在人人公司内部。  估计要靠这20%来支撑分拆后的人人公司股价了。

2016-12-23 23:08

大家莫惊慌,现在这个价位,是拉低成本的好时机。我个人认为,分拆后,陈一舟未必还想退市了。  如果人人网的车贷业务,还要长期发展,有一个上市平台仍然是有价值的。 而若股价长期低于1$,会被强制退市。  在这个前提下, 1$ + 1.5$ 的补偿,最低限额价值2.5$.

2016-12-23 23:08

这个价格拿着就是了 如果最终出价过低 则会吸引合格投资者买入 如果出价还ok 那么现在同样也没必要卖 我不理解现在卖出的怎么想的。。。

2016-12-23 23:04

请教一下,昨天公告里说spinco估值五亿,net of det,后面这个怎么理解啊?是指净值五亿,还是五亿需要再扣除债务?

2016-12-23 22:59

