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$东阿阿胶(SZ000423)$ 【中医将首次被世界卫生组织纳入全球医学纲要】According to "Nature" reported on September 26, the World Health Assembly will launch the 11th edition of the organization's global medical program in 2019. It is the first time to include information on traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine will be included in Chapter 26 of the 11th edition of the Global Medical Program, which outlines the classification system for traditional medicine and will be implemented in WHO member states in 2022. The Global Medical Program, also known as the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), has absolute influence worldwide. Putting Chinese medicine into ICDs will accelerate the expansion of traditional medicine, which is currently booming, and ultimately become an integral part of global health care.


2018-09-28 11:47


2018-10-04 00:24
