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【新浪分众股价大逆转 】新浪止跌转涨,当前涨幅为0.25%,报63.31 美元;分众传媒跌幅收窄至- 4.86%,报16.84 美元 //@i美股头条: 【分众新浪逆势暴跌 原因不明】分众目前爆跌13%,报15.39美元; 新浪暴跌10.57%,报56.48美元,创52周新低 网页链接
2011-11-28 23:23
SINA-just finished reading the translated version of the story-doesn't actually say SINA is being investigated by Muddy Waters, just says that there is a close relationship between SINA & FMCN amongst other comments, generally saying that all Chinese Enterprises are going to ...


virushuo2011-11-29 00:13

话音未落,又跌下去了。。 //@i美股头条: 【新浪分众股价大逆转 】新浪止跌转涨,当前涨幅为0.25%,报63.31 美元;分众传媒跌幅收窄至- 4.86%,报16.84 美元 //@i美股头条: 【分众新浪逆势暴跌 原因不明】分众目前爆跌13%,报15.39美元; 新浪暴跌10.57%,报56.48美元,创52周新低 网页链接