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山姆·钱伯斯的照片 山姆·钱伯斯八月4,20230 429 阅读1分钟
同样,开普勒·切夫勒(Kepler Cheuvreux)认为,苏伊士max的利用率将进入未知领域,到2025年将达到98%以上。
Pareto Securities认为,VLCC的利率有望在今年第四季度突破10万美元大关,并在昨天给客户的一份报告中描述了“基础市场看起来更好”。
“今天的核心行业基本面是相似的。2023 年,VLCC 的全球船队平均船龄为 11 年(2003 年为 8.2 年),2023 年苏伊士型船队平均船龄为 11.1 年(2003 年为 8.4 年)。当时和现在一样,船东面临着要求长期船队调整的法规,2003年从单壳船转向双壳船,“Euronav指出。杰富瑞(Jefferies)的分析师在最近给客户的一份报告中还讨论了油轮行业明显收紧的平衡。
“历史低订单加上有利的需求基本面应继续支持即期汇率波动加剧,再加上持续的地缘政治动荡,应该会在中期支撑运费,”Breakwave Advisors在本周发布的一份报告中表示。达到极限:VLCC和苏伊士最大利用率预计到2025年将接近100%
山姆·钱伯斯的照片 山姆·钱伯斯八月4,20230 429 阅读1分钟
同样,开普勒·切夫勒(Kepler Cheuvreux)认为,苏伊士max的利用率将进入未知领域,到2025年将达到98%以上。
Pareto Securities认为,VLCC的利率有望在今年第四季度突破10万美元大关,并在昨天给客户的一份报告中描述了“基础市场看起来更好”。
“今天的核心行业基本面是相似的。2023 年,VLCC 的全球船队平均船龄为 11 年(2003 年为 8.2 年),2023 年苏伊士型船队平均船龄为 11.1 年(2003 年为 8.4 年)。当时和现在一样,船东面临着要求长期船队调整的法规,2003年从单壳船转向双壳船,“Euronav指出。杰富瑞(Jefferies)的分析师在最近给客户的一份报告中还讨论了油轮行业明显收紧的平衡。
“历史低订单加上有利的需求基本面应继续支持即期汇率波动加剧,再加上持续的地缘政治动荡,应该会在中期支撑运费,”Breakwave Advisors在本周发布的一份报告中表示。
Maxed out: VLCC and suezmax utilisation forecast to hit close to 100% by 2025
Photo of Sam Chambers Sam ChambersAugust 4, 20230 429 1 minute read
The VLCC bulls are on parade with a host of data points pointing towards an extended boom period.
A new report from Kepler Cheuvreux forecasts VLCC utilisation will hit an unprecedented 99% by 2025 thanks in large part to a very low orderbook. The Kepler Cheuvreux forecast sees annual average VLCC rates hitting $54,650 this year, and steadily rising for the coming couple of years to hit a hugely profitable $87,500 by 2025, whereby a VLCC would be raking in profits of around $70,000 every day.
Similarly, Kepler Cheuvreux sees suezmax utilisation heading into unchartered territory, hitting above 98% by 2025.
Pareto Securities maintains rates for VLCCs are on course to crack the $100,000 mark by Q4 this year, describing an “underlying market that just keeps looking better” in a note to clients yesterday.
Yesterday tanker giant Euronav posted its best-ever Q2 operating performance outside the covid-related market spike of 2020.
The Belgian shipping firm pointed out that the orderbook-to-fleet ratios remain extraordinarily low by historical standards at just 1.6% for VLCCs.
Euronav also observed that the last period during which Q2 freight rates were sustainably above $40,000 per day for both VLCC and suezmax sectors was in 2003 to 2008, widely acknowledged as shipping’s greatest earnings period ever.
“Core industry fundamentals are similar today. In 2023, the global fleet average age is 11 years for VLCCs (vs. 8.2 years in 2003) and 11.1 years in 2023 for Suezmax (vs. 8.4 years in 2003). Then as now, owners faced incoming regulations requiring longer-term fleet adjustments, with the move from single- to double-hull vessels in 2003,” Euronav noted.
Analysts at Jefferies also discussed the tanker sector’s significantly tighter balance in a recent note to clients.
“The tanker fleet is set to grow (pre-scrapping) by 0.9% in 2024 and by 1.8% in 2025, both below our trade growth forecasts and leading to further tightening of the supply/demand balance,” Jefferies suggested.
“A historically low orderbook combined with favourable demand fundamentals should continue to support increased spot rate volatility, which combined with the ongoing geopolitical turmoil, should support freight rates in the medium term,” Breakwave Advisors argued in a report published this week.供给日益紧绷:VLCC和苏伊士供给日益紧绷:VLCC和苏伊士



2023-08-04 18:48
