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$太平洋生物科学(PACB)$ $Illumina(ILMN)$ 
节选一下Illumina的CEO Francis deSouza在Goldman Sachs Healthcare Conference上有关PACB的言论:
“Yes, so we announced in the fall of last year that we were acquiring PacBio, PacBio provide sequencers in the long read market. So that's about 5% of the overall sequencing market that we actually don't serve today. And it’s a segment of the market where customers will want to sequence for example a new species where there isn't a reference genome or they'll want to or applications like organ transplant, they want to read parts of the genome for example where it's hard to read using short read technology.We play in different parts of the market. You wouldn't use a long read sequencer for example in markets like NIPT where you're reading 160 base fragments reading it 10,000 it doesn't make sense for those markets, it's a higher cost per sequencing to do the long read sequencing.
But in those markets where you want that data that's what you'll do. So we announced last year that we are looking to acquire PacBio. That acquisition will require approval both in the U.S. and in the U.K. and we're in process with both the FTC here in the U.S. and the CMA. We said we expect that acquisition to close mid-year and that we're expecting to hear back from both the CMA and the U.K. and the FTC in the U.S.
In the U.S., the decision will be made by the five commissioners of the FTC and in the CMA, we'll be hearing about they’re in the first phase of review and the choices are they can approve it, reject it or they can move into a second phase of review. And so we don't really have new news around that, we're still in that process.”
总而言之,收购的成功需要美国FTC和英国CMA的同意,两个机构在近期(本年中段)都会给出答复,而CMA除了同意或拒绝之外还可能将审查拖入第二阶段。CMA的入局确实使局势复杂化了,尤其是市场担心CMA会出于对英国本土企业Oxford Nanopore的保护而妨碍收购的顺利进行,平白增加了不少变数和不确定性。这大概也是最近股价波动下跌的主要原因 


2019-11-29 16:17

是应为反垄断要被否吗?  pacb市场份额不大啊。 可能就是ilmn太大了。

2019-10-10 20:15


2019-06-18 21:51


2019-06-18 21:04

On November 1, 2018, Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (the “Company”) entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”) with Illumina, Inc. (“Illumina”) and FC Ops Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Illumina (“Merger Subsidiary”). The Merger Agreement provides that, subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein, Merger Subsidiary will merge with and into the Company (the “Merger”), with the Company surviving the Merger and becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Illumina.
On June 18, 2019, the Competition and Markets Authority of the United Kingdom (“CMA”) announced the completion of its Phase 1 review of the Merger and that it will refer the Merger for a Phase 2 review if the Company and Illumina are unable to address the CMA’s concerns. The Company and Illumina will continue to work cooperatively with the CMA. The Company and Illumina expect the Merger to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2019.
Consummation of the Merger is subject to certain conditions beyond the Company’s control that may prevent, delay, or otherwise adversely affect its completion. No assurance can be given that the required regulatory approvals will be obtained or that the required conditions to closing will be satisfied, and, even if all such approvals are obtained and the conditions are satisfied, no assurance can be given as to the terms, conditions and timing of the approvals. For more information about the effects of a failure to complete the Merger, please refer to the “Risk Factors” sections of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018 and our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2019.

2019-06-18 18:42

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), expressing concerns about the deal's impact on the supply of specialist DNA sequencing systems in the UK, said the companies have until next week to respond to questions that it has raised. [nFWN23P02G] Concerns over the Illumina-Pacific Biosciences deal include higher prices or lower quality products and less innovation in the market, the CMA said.

2019-06-16 20:20

看这个季度和下个季度的报表就知道SEQEL 2的表现啦

2019-06-16 20:19


2019-06-16 11:09

如果收购不成功,ILMN赔PACB 98M, PACB一年内也不用再增发啦。