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Even in the largest -- there is no country where streaming is more than 40% of share of TV time. And in many big countries, as you saw, it's less than 5%. So, it's our 5% -- or less than 5%. It's less than 10%.

So, there's an incredible runway still in the shift from linear to streaming. And so, for us, it's about growing into that shift and also, obviously, competing well and continuously innovating and improving. And what you saw or what we saw and felt when we had that decline in subscribers was really near-term limiters in growing into that big market. But the big market is still growing as opposed to fundamentally long-term limiters in that ESPN shift that you described.

我觉得欧美的流媒体估计渗透率不可能有太大幅度的提高了。未来如果还有变数,那就是$世界摔角娱乐(WWE)$ $Endeavor Group(EDR)$ 这类的资产归属到底是不是由几大公司瓜分。还有就是一些体育联盟是否会瓦解脱离原有联赛,或者至少部分赛事脱离原有联赛,成立独立的商业联赛。
