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The Berkshire Partnership


Berkshire is a Delaware corporation, and our directors must follow thestate’s laws. Among them is a requirement that board members must act inthe best interest of the corporation and its stockholders. Our directorsembrace that doctrine.

 $伯克希尔-哈撒韦A(BRK.A)$  是特拉华州的一家公司,我们的董事必须遵守该州的法律。其中一项要求是,董事会成员必须以公司及其股东的最佳利益为出发点。我们的董事们拥护这一原则。

In addition, of course, Berkshire directors want the company to delightits customers, to develop and reward the talents of its 360,000 associates, tobehave honorably with lenders and to be regarded as a good citizen of the manycities and states in which we operate. We value these four importantconstituencies.


None of these groups, however, have a vote in determining suchmatters as dividends, strategic direction, CEO selection, or acquisitions anddivestitures. Responsibilities like those fall solely on Berkshire’sdirectors, who must faithfully represent the long-term interests of thecorporation and its owners.


Beyond legal requirements, Charlie and I feel a special obligation tothe many individual shareholders of Berkshire. A bit of personal historymay help you to understand our unusual attachment and how it shapes ourbehavior.



Before my Berkshire years, I managed money for many individuals through a series of partnerships, the first three of those formed in 1956. As time passed, the use of multiple entities became unwieldy and, in 1962, we amalgamated12 partnerships into a single unit, Buffett Partnership Ltd. (“BPL”).

在我执掌伯克希尔之前,我通过一系列的合伙人公司关系为许多人管理资金,头三个是1956年建立的。随着时间的推移,同时运营多个实体变得难以控制,在1962年,我们将12个合伙企业合并为一个独立的实体,即巴菲特合伙有限公司(Buffett Partnership Ltd.“ BPL”)。

By that year, virtually all of my own money, and that of my wife aswell, had become invested alongside the funds of my many limited partners. Ireceived no salary or fees. Instead, as the general partner, I was compensatedby my limited partners only after they secured returns above an annualthreshold of 6%. If returns failed to meet that level, the shortfall was to becarried forward against my share of future profits. (Fortunately, that neverhappened: Partnership returns always exceeded the 6% “bogey.”) As the yearswent by, a large part of the resources of my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles,cousins and in-laws became invested in the partnership.


Charlie formed his partnership in 1962 and operated much as I did.Neither of us had any institutional investors, and very few of ourpartners were financially sophisticated. The people who joined our venturessimply trusted us to treat their money as we treated our own. These individuals– either intuitively or by relying on the advice of friends – correctlyconcluded that Charlie and I had an extreme aversion to permanent loss ofcapital and that we would not have accepted their money unless we expected todo reasonably well with it.


I stumbled into business management after BPL acquired control ofBerkshire in 1965. Later still, in 1969, we decided to dissolve BPL. Afteryearend, the partnership distributed, pro-rata, all of its cash along withthree stocks, the largest by value being BPL’s 70.5% interest in Berkshire.


Charlie, meanwhile, wound up his operation in 1977. Among the assets hedistributed to partners was a major interest in Blue Chip Stamps, a company hispartnership, Berkshire and I jointly controlled. Blue Chip was also among thethree stocks my partnership had distributed upon its dissolution.

与此同时,查理在1977年结束了其公司的运营。在他分配给合伙人的资产中,包括Blue Chip Stamps的主要股份,这是他的合伙人、伯克希尔和我共同控制的一家公司。Blue Chip也是我的合伙公司解散时分配的三支股票之一。

In 1983, Berkshire and Blue Chip merged, thereby expanding Berkshire’sbase of registered shareholders from 1,900 to 2,900. Charlie and I wantedeveryone – old, new and prospective shareholders – to be on the samepage.

1983年,伯克希尔和Blue Chip合并,使伯克希尔的注册股东基础从1900人扩大到2900人。查理和我希望所有人——新老股东和潜在股东——都能步调一致达成共识。

Therefore, the 1983 annual report – up front – laid out Berkshire’s“major business principles.” The first principle began: “Although ourform is corporate, our attitude is partnership.” That defined our relationshipin 1983; it defines it today. Charlie and I – and our directors as well –believe this dictum will serve Berkshire well for many decades to come.



Ownership of Berkshire now resides in five large “buckets,” one occupied by meas a “founder” of sorts. That bucket is certain to empty as the shares I ownare annually distributed to various philanthropies.


Two of the remaining four buckets are filled by institutional investors,each handling other people’s money. That, however, is where thesimilarity between those buckets ends: Their investing procedures could not bemore different.


In one institutional bucket are index funds, a large and mushroomingsegment of the investment world. These funds simply mimic the index that theytrack. The favorite of index investors is the S&P 500, of which Berkshireis a component. Index funds, it should be emphasized, own Berkshire sharessimply because they are required to do so. They are on automatic pilot,buying and selling only for “weighting” purposes.

一个机构类型是指数基金,这是投资界一个规模庞大、迅速发展的领域。这些基金只是紧贴它们追踪的指数。指数投资者最喜欢的是 $标普500 ETF-SPDR(SPY)$  (S&P 500),伯克希尔哈撒韦是该指数的成份股。应该强调的是,指数基金持有伯克希尔股票的原因很简单,因为它们必须这样做。他们纯粹是“自动驾驶”,买卖股票唯一的目的就是调整“权数”。

In the other institutional bucket are professionals who manage theirclients’ money, whether those funds belong to wealthy individuals,universities, pensioners or whomever. These professional managers have amandate to move funds from one investment to another based on their judgment asto valuation and prospects. That is an honorable, though difficult, occupation.


We are happy to work for this “active” group, while they meanwhilesearch for a better place to deploy the funds of their clientele. Somemanagers, to be sure, have a long-term focus and trade very infrequently.Others use computers employing algorithms that may direct the purchase or saleof shares in a nano-second. Some professional investors will come and go basedupon their macro-economic judgments.


Our fourth bucket consists of individual shareholders who operate in amanner similar to the active institutional managers I’ve just described. Theseowners, understandably, think of their Berkshire shares as a possible source offunds when they see another investment that excites them. We have no quarrelwith that attitude, which is similar to the way we look at some of theequities we own at Berkshire.


All of that said, Charlie and I would be less than human if we did notfeel a special kinship with our fifth bucket: the million-plus individual investorswho simply trust us to represent their interests, whatever the future maybring. They have joined us with no intent to leave, adopting a mindset similarto that held by our original partners. Indeed, many investors from our partnershipyears, and/or their descendants, remain substantial owners of Berkshire.


A prototype of those veterans is Stan Truhlsen, a cheerful and generousOmaha ophthalmologist as well as personal friend, who turned 100 on November13, 2020. In 1959, Stan, along with 10 other young Omaha doctors, formed apartnership with me. The docs creatively labeled their venture Emdee, Ltd.Annually, they joined my wife and me for a celebratory dinner at our home.

斯坦·特鲁尔森(Stan Truhlsen)就是这些“老合作伙伴”的一个典型代表,他是奥马哈市一位开朗慷慨的眼科医生,我们私下也有交情。他在2020年11月13日迎来了自己的100岁生日。1959年,斯坦和其他10名年轻的奥马哈医生与我结成了伙伴关系。他们创造性地将自己的公司命名为Emdee, Ltd。每年,他们都会和我和妻子一起在家里吃庆祝晚餐。

When our partnership distributed its Berkshire shares in 1969, all ofthe doctors kept the stock they received. They may not have known the ins andouts of investing or accounting, but they did know that at Berkshirethey would be treated as partners.


Two of Stan’s comrades from Emdee are now in their high-90s and continueto hold Berkshire shares. This group’s startling durability – along with thefact that Charlie and I are 97 and 90, respectively – serves up an interestingquestion: Could it be that Berkshire ownership fosters longevity?



Berkshire’s unusual and valued family of individual shareholders may add toyour understanding of our reluctance to court Wall Street analysts andinstitutional investors. We already have the investors we want and don’tthink that they, on balance, would be upgraded by replacements.


There are only so many seats – that is, shares outstanding – availablefor Berkshire ownership. And we very much like the people already occupyingthem.


Of course, some turnover in “partners” will occur. Charlie and I hope,however, that it will be minimal. Who, after all, seeks rapid turnover infriends, neighbors or marriage?


In 1958, Phil Fisher wrote a superb book on investing. In it, he analogizedrunning a public company to managing a restaurant. If you are seeking diners,he said, you can attract a clientele and prosper featuring either hamburgersserved with a Coke or a French cuisine accompanied by exotic wines. Butyou must not, Fisher warned, capriciously switch from one to the other: Yourmessage to potential customers must be consistent with what they will find uponentering your premises.

1958年,菲利普·费雪(Phil Fisher)写了一本投资领域的旷世奇作。在书中,他将经营一家上市公司比作经营一家餐厅。他说,你可以用汉堡配可口可乐或法国菜配上异国情调的葡萄酒来吸引顾客;但同时,他也提醒广大读者:不要随意地切换菜品的搭配方案,因为潜在客户所提供的信息必须要与他们进入餐厅后所发现的一致。

At Berkshire, we have been serving hamburgers and Coke for 56 years. Wecherish the clientele this fare has attracted.


The tens of millions of other investors and speculators in the UnitedStates and elsewhere have a wide variety of equity choices to fit their tastes.They will find CEOs and market gurus with enticing ideas. If they want pricetargets, managed earnings and “stories,” they will not lack suitors.“Technicians” will confidently instruct them as to what some wiggles on a chartportend for a stock’s next move. The calls for action will never stop.


Many of those investors, I should add, will do quite well. After all,ownership of stocks is very much a “positive-sum” game. Indeed, a patient andlevel-headed monkey, who constructs a portfolio by throwing 50 darts at a boardlisting all of the S&P 500, will – over time – enjoy dividends andcapital gains, just as long as it never gets tempted to make changes inits original “selections.”


Productive assets such as farms, real estate and, yes, businessownership produce wealth – lots of it. Most owners of such propertieswill be rewarded. All that’s required is the passage of time, an inner calm,ample diversification and a minimization of transactions and fees. Still,investors must never forget that their expenses are Wall Street’s income.And, unlike my monkey, Wall Streeters do not work for peanuts.


When seats open up at Berkshire – and we hope they are few – we wantthem to be occupied by newcomers who understand and desire what we offer. Afterdecades of management, Charlie and I remain unable to promise results. We canand do, however, pledge to treat you as partners.


And so, too, will our successors.


A Berkshire Number that May Surprise You


Recently, I learned a fact about our company that I had never suspected:Berkshire owns American-based property, plant and equipment – the sortof assets that make up the “business infrastructure” of our country – with aGAAP valuation exceeding the amount owned by any other U.S. company.Berkshire’s depreciated cost of these domestic “fixed assets” is $154billion. Next in line on this list is AT&T, with property, plant andequipment of $127 billion.


Our leadership in fixed-asset ownership, I should add, does not,in itself, signal an investment triumph. The best results occur atcompanies that require minimal assets to conduct high-margin businesses– and offer goods or services that will expand their sales volume withonly minor needs for additional capital. We, in fact, own a few of theseexceptional businesses, but they are relatively small and, at best, growslowly.


Asset-heavy companies, however, can be good investments. Indeed,we are delighted with our two giants – BNSF and BHE: In 2011, Berkshire’s firstfull year of BNSF ownership, the two companies had combined earnings of $4.2billion. In 2020, a tough year for many businesses, the pair earned $8.3billion.

然而,重资产的公司依然可能会是很好的投资选择。我们很高兴看到我们的两大巨头——BNSF 和BHE :2011年,伯克希尔持有BNSF的第一年,这两家公司的总收益为42亿美元。到了2020年,对许多企业来说都是艰难的一年,而这两家公司去年的收入达到83亿美元。

BNSF and BHE will require major capital expenditures for decades tocome. The good news is that both are likely to deliver appropriate returns onthe incremental investment.


Let’s look first at BNSF. Your railroad carries about 15% of allnon-local ton-miles (a ton of freight moved one mile) of goods that move in theUnited States, whether by rail, truck, pipeline, barge or aircraft. By asignificant margin, BNSF’s loads top those of any other carrier.


The history of American railroads is fascinating. After 150 years or soof frenzied construction, skullduggery, overbuilding, bankruptcies,reorganizations and mergers, the railroad industry finally emerged a fewdecades ago as mature and rationalized.


BNSF began operations in 1850 with a 12-mile line in northeasternIllinois. Today, it has 390 antecedents whose railroads have been purchased ormerged. The company’s extensive lineage is laid out at 网页链接


Berkshire acquired BNSF early in 2010. Since our purchase, the railroadhas invested $41 billion in fixed assets, an outlay $20 billion in excess ofits depreciation charges. Railroading is an outdoor sport, featuring mile-longtrains obliged to reliably operate in both extreme cold and heat, as they allthe while encounter every form of terrain from deserts to mountains. Massiveflooding periodically occurs. BNSF owns 23,000 miles of track, spreadthroughout 28 states, and must spend whatever it takes to maximize safety andservice throughout its vast system.


Nevertheless, BNSF has paid substantial dividends to Berkshire – $41.8billion in total. The railroad pays us, however, only what remains after itboth fulfills the needs of its business and maintains a cash balance of about$2 billion. This conservative policy allows BNSF to borrow at low rates,independent of any guarantee of its debt by Berkshire.


One further word about BNSF: Last year, Carl Ice, its CEO, and hisnumber two, Katie Farmer, did an extraordinary job in controlling expenseswhile navigating a significant downturn in business. Despite a 7% decline inthe volume of goods carried, the two actually increased BNSF’s profit margin by2.9 percentage points. Carl, as long planned, retired at yearend and Katie tookover as CEO. Your railroad is in good hands.

关于BNSF还有一点值得注意:去年,该公司首席执行官CarlIce和他的二把手Katie Farmer在控制开支方面表现出色,同时度过了业务的严重低迷期。尽管载货量下降了7%,但这他们实际上使BNSF的利润率提高了2.9个百分点。Carl如计划的那样,在年底退休了,Katie接任了首席执行官一职,铁路的管理状况依旧令人安心。

BHE, unlike BNSF, pays no dividends on its common stock, ahighly-unusual practice in the electric-utility industry. That Spartan policyhas been the case throughout our 21 years of ownership. Unlike railroads, ourcountry’s electric utilities need a massive makeover in which the ultimatecosts will be staggering. The effort will absorb all of BHE’s earnings fordecades to come. We welcome the challenge and believe the added investment willbe appropriately rewarded.


Let me tell you about one of BHE’s endeavors – its $18 billioncommitment to rework and expand a substantial portion of the outdated grid thatnow transmits electricity throughout the West. BHE began this project in 2006and expects it to be completed by 2030 – yes, 2030.


The advent of renewable energy made our project a societal necessity.Historically, the coal-based generation of electricity that long prevailed waslocated close to huge centers of population. The best sites for the new worldof wind and solar generation, however, are often in remote areas. When BHEassessed the situation in 2006, it was no secret that a huge investment inwestern transmission lines had to be made. Very few companies or governmentalentities, however, were in a financial position to raise their hand after theytallied the project’s cost.


BHE’s decision to proceed, it should be noted, was based upon its trustin America’s political, economic and judicial systems. Billions of dollarsneeded to be invested before meaningful revenue would flow. Transmission lineshad to cross the borders of states and other jurisdictions, each with its ownrules and constituencies. BHE would also need to deal with hundreds oflandowners and execute complicated contracts with both the suppliers thatgenerated renewable power and the far-away utilities that would distribute theelectricity to their customers. Competing interests and defenders of the oldorder, along with unrealistic visionaries desiring an instantly-new world, hadto be brought on board.


Both surprises and delays were certain. Equally certain, however, wasthe fact that BHE had the managerial talent, the institutional commitment andthe financial wherewithal to fulfill its promises. Though it will be many yearsbefore our western transmission project is completed, we are today searchingfor other projects of similar size to take on.


Whatever the obstacles, BHE will be a leader in delivering ever-cleanerenergy.


The Annual Meeting


Last year, on February 22nd, I wrote you about our plans for a gala annualmeeting. Within a month, the schedule was junked.


Our home office group, led by Melissa Shapiro and Marc Hamburg,Berkshire’s CFO, quickly regrouped. Miraculously, their improvisations worked.Greg Abel, one of Berkshire’s Vice Chairmen, joined me on stage facing a darkarena, 18,000 empty seats and a camera. There was no rehearsal: Greg and Iarrived about 45 minutes before “showtime.”

由Melissa Shapiro和伯克希尔首席财务官Marc Hamburg领导的总部小组迅速重组,他们的即兴方案奇迹般地奏效了。我也和伯克希尔副董事长之一Greg Abel一起走上台,面对着一个漆黑的舞台、1.8万个空座位和一台摄像机。我们在“表演时间”开始前45分钟就位,没有彩排。

Debbie Bosanek, my incredible assistant who joined Berkshire 47 yearsago at age 17, had put together about 25 slides displaying various facts andfigures that I had assembled at home. An anonymous but highly-capable team ofcomputer and camera operators projected the slides onto the screen in properorder.

Debbie Bosanek是我的绝佳助手,她是47年前加入伯克希尔哈撒韦的,当时她只有17岁。她整理了约25张幻灯片,用以展示我在家里收集好的各种事实和数据,还有一个能力很强的幕后计算机和摄制团队,将幻灯片按顺序一一投射到屏幕上。

Yahoo streamed the proceedings to a record-sized international audience.Becky Quick of CNBC, operating from her home in New Jersey, selected questionsfrom thousands that shareholders had earlier submitted or that viewers hademailed to her during the four hours Greg and I were on stage. See’s peanutbrittle and fudge, along with Coca-Cola, provided us with nourishment.

雅虎直播了股东大会的整个过程,观众达到创纪录的规模。CNBC的Becky Quick,待在她位于新泽西州的家中,从数千个股东早前提交的问题、以及观众在我和Greg上台的四个小时里通过电子邮件发给她的问题当中,挑选出问题向我们转述。当时我们吃着See的花生糖和软糖,喝着可口可乐

This year, on May 1st, we are planning to go one better. Again, we will rely onYahoo and CNBC to perform flawlessly. Yahoo will go live at 1 p.m. EasternDaylight Time (“EDT”). Simply navigate to 网页链接


Our formal meeting will commence at 5:00 p.m. EDT and should finish by5:30 p.m. Earlier, between 1:30-5:00, we will answer your questions as relayedby Becky. As always, we will have no foreknowledge as to what questions will beasked. Send your zingers to BerkshireQuestions @cnbc.com.  Yahoo will wrap thingsup after 5:30.

正式会议将于美东时间下午5点开始,下午5点半结束。早些时候,在1:30-5:00之间,我们会回答由Becky转达的问题。一如既往,我们无法预知会被问到哪些问题。届时请将问题发送到BerkshireQuestions @cnbc.com,雅虎将在5:30后关闭通道。 

And now – drum roll, please – a surprise. This year our meeting will beheld in Los Angeles . . . and Charlie will be on stage with me offeringanswers and observations throughout the 31⁄2-hour question period. I missed himlast year and, more important, you clearly missed him. Our otherinvaluable vice-chairmen, Ajit Jain and Greg Abel, will be with us to answerquestions relating to their domains.

现在(此处应有掌声)惊喜来了!今年我们的会议将在洛杉矶举行……查理将会和我一起在台上参与整整三个半小时的提问环节,回答问题并发表观点。去年我很想念他,更重要的是,你们显然也很想念他。其他两位副董事长,Ajit Jain和Greg Abel,将与我们一起回答有关他们业务领域的问题。

Join us via Yahoo. Direct your really tough questions to Charlie! Wewill have fun, and we hope you will as well.


Better yet, of course, will be the day when we see you face to face. Ihope and expect that will be in 2022. The citizens of Omaha, our exhibitingsubsidiaries and all of us at the home office can’t wait to get you back for anhonest-to-God annual meeting, Berkshire-style.


February 27, 2021


Warren E. Buffett Chairman of the Board



 @今日话题   #美股#    #巴菲特2021年致股东公开信#    #价值投资#    


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