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$Lending Club(LC)$  注意看利润表费用一栏,
注释里都没有披露Operating expenses-other, 别的几块费用刨去IPO花的钱基本跟营收增长成正比。凭空增长300%是怎么来的?


2015-03-01 15:51


Other general and administrative expense was $82.4 million and $20.5 million for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively, an
increase of 301%. The increase was primarily due to a $38.6 million increase in personnel-related expenses from increased headcount as we
continued to invest in back office support and compensation expense for stock consideration issued related to the Springstone acquisition.

Additionally, the increase was due to $7.9 million of amortization and depreciation expense primarily related to amortization on assets recognized inconjunction with the Springstone acquisition.

2015-02-28 16:06


2015-02-28 12:57

1 股权激励 2014年是3700万,2013年是620万,感受下
2 IPO承销费用,阿里前阵的承销费是融资额的1%,创造了美国股市的最低,而美国平均是7%,给LC个不错的价格:3.5%,那么承销费用约2000-2500万左右

股权激励+IPO承销费用 = 5700-6200万,而2013年的【其他费用】是2200万,今年的【其他费用】是8200万,感觉对的上了