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Bulls tout management’s “intelligent” use of leverage and accretive bitcoin purchases from equity sales proceeds as reasons why shares should trade at a substantial premium. But we find the logic flawed. Leverage cuts both ways and while MicroStrategy has succeeded in increasing the amount of bitcoin held, the impact of massive dilution has also kept the amount of bitcoin per share virtually unchanged in recent years. Shareholder value creation has been overwhelmingly driven by simple bitcoin price appreciation – much as it would from owning bitcoin outright.
2024-04-18 11:03
"The bitcoin price currently implied by MicroStrategy’s stock is now over $177k"
笑死了,高点的时候$Microstrategy(MSTR)$ 反应了接近18w美元的币价,还有一群人觉得是合理的,觉得别人不买是别人没看懂,自己最牛逼。