股票交易冠军的 10 条经验教训01

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Perfect. 完美的。

So if you don't know me already, my name is Richard Moglen. 如果您还不认识我,我的名字是理查德·莫格伦。

I post YouTube videos and I'm a part of TraderLion, a stock education mentorship program. 我发布 YouTube 视频,并且是 TraderLion(一个股票教育指导计划)的成员。

And today I'll be sharing kind of 10 key lessons I've learned from a bunch of interviews I've done with money managers, portfolio managers, US investing champions, and veteran traders. 今天,我将分享我从对资金经理、投资组合经理、美国投资冠军和资深交易员进行的一系列采访中学到的 10 个关键经验教训。

So here's a little bit about me as well. 所以这里也有一些关于我的事情。

I am the host of the Market Chat podcast and the TraderLion podcast. 我是 Market Chat 播客和 TraderLion 播客的主持人。

There's a list of a few notable interviews I've done. 这里列出了我做过的一些著名采访。

I also interviewed Brian Feraldi, who just went. 我还采访了刚刚去的布赖恩·费拉尔迪(Brian Feraldi)。

And I try to get a good mix of both kind of fundamental side of things as well as top traders. 我尝试将事物的基本面和顶级交易者很好地结合起来。

And what's cool is I'm closing in on a million listens on my podcast, which is awesome, mind-blowing number. 最酷的是,我的播客收听量即将突破 100 万,这是一个了不起、令人兴奋的数字。

Thank you. 谢谢。

And here's a cool graphic I thought I'd make yesterday about kind of the timeframe of different basically guests I've interviewed. 这是我昨天想制作的一个很酷的图表,关于我采访过的不同基本客人的时间范围。

Going over to the left is longer timeframe, more investor side of things. 向左走是更长的时间范围,更多的是投资者方面的事情。

And to the right, all the way to the right is Tomas Claro, who was second last year in the US investing championship, who does a ton of inter-day trading. 右边,一直右边的是托马斯·克拉罗(Tomas Claro),他去年在美国投资锦标赛中排名第二,进行了大量的日内交易。

And if you're curious about finding somebody who kind of matches your own personal style and timeframe, this is a good way to find somebody who basically trades your own style. 如果您想找到与您自己的个人风格和时间框架相匹配的人,那么这是找到基本上以您自己的风格进行交易的人的好方法。

Any baseball fans out there? 那里有棒球迷吗?

Any Nats fans out there? 那里有 Nats 球迷吗?

There you go, over there. 就在那里,就在那里。

All right. 好的。

Only going to talk to you from now on, okay? 从现在开始我只和你说话,好吗?

All right. 好的。

This is Juan Soto. 这是胡安·索托。

One more Nats fan over there? 那边又多了一位国家队球迷吗?

No? 不?

Okay. 好的。

So this is Juan Soto, the greatest hitter that has ever lived. 这就是胡安·索托,有史以来最伟大的击球手。

And I see a ton of parallel between becoming a great baseball player, becoming a great soccer player, and trading. 我发现成为一名伟大的棒球运动员、成为一名伟大的足球运动员和交易之间有很多相似之处。

And in order to basically become great at baseball, trading, whatever, you want to study the greats. 为了从根本上成为棒球、交易等领域的佼佼者,你想要学习伟人。

You want to kind of break down what makes them successful. 你想要分解他们成功的原因。

If you're trying to learn how to hit, how to pitch, it makes sense to study people who are already incredibly good at it. 如果你想学习如何击球、如何投球,那么学习那些已经非常擅长这些的人是有意义的。

And what you kind of want to distill is the routines, habits, techniques that make them successful. 你想要提炼的是使他们成功的惯例、习惯和技巧。

And obviously, there's a bunch of hard work to put in. 显然,还有很多艰苦的工作要做。

You have to put in the mental and physical reps to get better. 你必须投入精神和身体上的重复才能变得更好。

And it's all about preparation and mindset. 这一切都与准备和心态有关。

And the way I see it, trading is essentially the same. 在我看来,交易本质上是一样的。

It's all mental. 这都是心理上的。

But you have to do your own due diligence and put in the work before you can really excel. 但你必须做好自己的尽职调查并投入工作,然后才能真正脱颖而出。

And in my view, you have to train like a champion to trade like a champion. 在我看来,你必须像冠军一样训练才能像冠军一样交易。

And in this presentation, I'll be talking about key kind of lessons I've learned from traders who have been doing this for decades. 在本次演讲中,我将讨论我从几十年来一直从事此行业的交易者那里学到的重要经验教训。

Mark Minervini, author of some great training books. 马克·米勒维尼 (Mark Minervini),一些优秀培训书籍的作者。

Stan Weinstein, as well, "Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets." 斯坦·韦恩斯坦(Stan Weinstein),以及《牛市和熊市中获利的秘密》。

And once again, you have to study the best of the best. 再说一遍,你必须学习最优秀的人才。

And what's great is the pieces are out there, often for free on the internet. 最棒的是这些作品就在那里,通常在互联网上免费。

There's so many interviews. 有这么多采访。

I'll humbly mention my YouTube channel. 我会谦虚地提到我的 YouTube 频道。

I think it's a great resource. 我认为这是一个很好的资源。

But there's so many great resources out there that's so easy to really shorten your learning curve nowadays. 但是现在有很多很棒的资源可以很容易地真正缩短您的学习曲线。

And what's really important is you want to focus inward. 真正重要的是你要专注于内心。

You're not really in competition with anybody else in this room. 你并没有真正与这个房间里的其他人竞争。

You're competing with yourself. 你是在和自己竞争。

And you're competing with yourself from one day ago, one month ago, one year ago. 你正在与一天前、一个月前、一年前的自己竞争。

And your only goal should be a little bit better than you were yesterday. 你唯一的目标应该比昨天好一点。

Just be 1% better. 只需要好 1% 即可。

Try to find those elements, your weaknesses, and just slowly improve those. 尝试找到那些元素,你的弱点,然后慢慢改进它们。

And to do that, what you really need to do is look back on your trades and conduct post-analysis. 为此,您真正需要做的是回顾您的交易并进行事后分析。

And I see some people taking pictures of the slides. 我看到有些人给幻灯片拍照。

I'll have my email up there. 我会把我的电子邮件放在那里。

And if you just send me an email, I can share it with you. 如果您给我发送电子邮件,我可以与您分享。

No problem. 没问题。

But the most important thing, the one thing you have to remember is nothing matters unless you commit to learning. 但最重要的是,你必须记住的一件事是,除非你致力于学习,否则一切都不重要。

Regardless of your strategy, whether you're trying to find multi-baggers and hold them for years like Brian, or if you're trying to become a great swing trader like Brian Shannon, you have to commit and focus only on that particular style. 无论您采取何种策略,无论您是想像布莱恩一样寻找多套交易者并持有多年,还是想成为像布莱恩·香农一样的出色波段交易者,您都必须致力于并只专注于那种特定的风格。

And just curious, how many people in this room would describe themselves as traders? 只是好奇,这个房间里有多少人会把自己描述为交易者?

Raise your hand. 举起你的手。

All right. 好的。

Investors. 投资者。

Oh, wow. 哦,哇。

Basically a 50/50 split. 基本上是 50/50 的分配。

So a lot of the elements I'll be talking about are mostly focused on trading, but there's a lot of parallels that you can take away as well. 因此,我将要讨论的许多元素主要集中在交易上,但您也可以借鉴很多相似之处。

So lesson one, trading takes patience and hard work. 所以第一课,交易需要耐心和努力。

Every single one of the hedge fund managers, Mark Minervini, all of them struggled for years to find their style and basically put in the work to excel. 每一位对冲基金经理马克·米勒维尼 (Mark Minervini) 多年来都在努力寻找自己的风格,并基本上投入工作以求卓越。

And to achieve results, they basically studied what worked in the past and also studied the highest performing stocks as well, trying to find those common characteristics that they all shared so they can apply that to the future. 为了取得成果,他们基本上研究了过去行之有效的方法,也研究了表现最好的股票,试图找到它们共有的共同特征,以便将其应用到未来。

And what's really important is they focused, as I said, on one particular style and timeframe. 正如我所说,真正重要的是他们专注于一种特定的风格和时间框架。

You're not going to be the best long-term investor and day trader. 你不会成为最好的长期投资者和日内交易者。

It's just not going to happen. 这不会发生。

Focus on one style, focus on being basically extremely profitable at that one style, and then maybe you can branch out a little bit. 专注于一种风格,专注于在那种风格上基本上获得极高的利润,然后也许你可以扩展一点。

And many of the top traders I've interviewed read similar books. 我采访过的许多顶级交易员都读过类似的书。

Nicholas Starvis, O'Neill, Livermore Douglas. 尼古拉斯·斯塔维斯、奥尼尔、利弗莫尔·道格拉斯。

You don't need to reinvent the wheel. 您不需要重新发明轮子。

The information is already out there. 信息已经在那里了。

A lot of price action-based trading has not changed one bit over the past 100 years, and that's because it's all market psychology and that doesn't change. 许多基于价格行为的交易在过去 100 年里没有发生任何变化,那是因为这都是市场心理,不会改变。

Lesson two, stay positive, stay focused, stay disciplined. 第二课,保持积极,保持专注,保持纪律。

Who in this room knows Jim Ropel? 在座的有谁认识吉姆·罗佩尔?

All right. 好的。

If you know him, you know he's the most positive guy. 如果你了解他,你就会知道他是最积极的人。

You cannot watch an interview without becoming incredibly inspired. 观看采访时你不可能不受到难以置信的启发。

So definitely check out his interviews. 所以一定要看看他的采访。

And it pays to be a bull over the long term. 从长远来看,看多是值得的。

We all know the trend of the stock market is up, and you want to treat setbacks as learning moments. 我们都知道股市的趋势是向上的,你要把挫折当作学习的时刻。

As I said, it's all about incremental improvements over time. 正如我所说,这都是随着时间的推移逐步改进的结果。

As I mentioned, you want to stick to one strategy and become a master of that before moving on to other setups and methods, and you want to commit to your learning. 正如我所提到的,在转向其他设置和方法之前,您希望坚持一种策略并成为该策略的大师,并且您希望致力于学习。

And I think this is a really important point. 我认为这是非常重要的一点。

You want to judge your trading based on whether you executed your plan going into it, not whether you made money or lost money. 你想根据你是否执行了你的计划来判断你的交易,而不是你是否赚钱或赔钱。

Now, that might seem counterintuitive, but this is the only way to become consistently profitable because otherwise you can't tweak your style and you have to judge your trading based on the execution of your plan. 现在,这可能看起来违反直觉,但这是持续盈利的唯一方法,因为否则你无法调整你的风格,你必须根据计划的执行来判断你的交易。

And ideally, you basically plan out your trades going into the trading day. 理想情况下,您基本上计划好交易日的交易。

Lesson three, stay in tune with your own trading. 第三课,与自己的交易保持一致。

You want to keep a journal, a mental picture of how recent trades have performed. 你想要写日记,在脑海中记录最近交易的表现。

And I'm an engineer by trade. 我的职业是一名工程师。

I think kind of in these feedback loops. 我认为在这些反馈循环中。

So here I've got a graphic of the action and the effect. 所以这里我有一个动作和效果的图形。

And then of course you've got the feedback. 然后你当然会得到反馈。