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V-T If you mince food such as meat or vegetables, you cut or grind it up into very small pieces, usually in a machine. 铰碎
Goliath n.巨人;哥利亚(圣经中被大卫杀死的巨人)
PHRASAL VERB If you notch up something such as a score or total, you achieve it. 赢得; 达到
N-VAR Someone's reckoning is a calculation they make about something, especially a calculation that is not very exact. 估算
grim ADJ A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept. 严酷的; 令人沮丧的
toehold 立足点
PHRASAL VERB If you scoop something up, you put your hands or arms under it and lift it in a quick movement. (敏捷地) 抱起来 抢购攫取
temper 使缓和
N-COUNT If you make a foray into a new or unfamiliar type of activity, you start to become involved in it. 涉足
data crunching 数据处理
saturated 饱和的
ADJ If you refer to a business or its practices as monopolistic, you mean that it tries to control as much of an industry as it can and does not allow fair competition. 垄断的; 独占的
stifle 使窒息
PHRASAL VERB If you pull off something very difficult, you succeed in achieving it. 做成 (某件难事)
V-I If you sprawl somewhere, you sit or lie down with your legs and arms spread out in a careless way. 伸开四肢坐着; 摊开四肢躺着
ADV If you do something gamely, you do it bravely or with a lot of effort. 勇敢地; 坚决地
N-COUNT An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time. 在职者
V to restrain (powerful emotion) 控制(强烈情感)
genie 妖怪
V-T If someone or something is banished from a place or area of activity, they are sent away from it and prevented from entering it. 驱逐


2022-05-08 20:00

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