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N-COUNT A protestation is a strong declaration that something is true or not true. 申明; 断言
ADJ You use fellow to describe people who are in the same situation as you, or people you feel you have something in common with. 同种情况的; 同类的
V-T/V-I If something crumbles, or if you crumble it, it breaks into a lot of small pieces. 碎裂; 弄碎
V-I If something flops, it is completely unsuccessful. 彻底失败
dense 稠密的
brow furrowing 皱眉的
indivisible 不可分的
N-COUNT A bromide is a comment that is intended to calm someone down when they are angry, but that has been expressed so often that it has become boring and meaningless. 陈词滥调
N-COUNT A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it. 努力尝试
N-VAR Someone's lineage is the series of families from which they are directly descended. 家族
V-T If you shun someone or something, you deliberately avoid them or keep away from them. 有意回避
V-T If you prod someone into doing something, you remind or persuade them to do it. 敦促
lexicon 词典
ADJ If you describe someone as self-serving, you are critical of them because they are only interested in what they can get for themselves. 自私的表不满
shorn 被剪
V-T If you loathe something or someone, you dislike them very much. 厌恶
$腾讯控股(00700)$ $阿里巴巴(BABA)$ $海康威视(SZ002415)$ N-COUNT A proteN-COUNT A proteN-COUNT A prote