ORA is buyable now

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More US stocks are buyable
There are more US stocks that become immediately buyable. The proliferation of buyable stocks with superior Reward/Risk profile confirms that the US market is probably in a bona fide rally mode. Make sure that risk is tightly controlled AT ALL TIME - no exception.
收到信号后,第二天开盘即买入,从买入点,如果股票跌10%,  立马割肉止损,如果涨,抓住不放
Ormat Technologies Inc. ($奥玛特科技(ORA)$  )-NYSECompany ProfileGreen Energy You Can Rely OnOrmat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: $奥玛特科技(ORA)$  ) is a world leader in the geothermal power plant sector. As a geothermal company it has five decades of experience in the development of state-of-the-art, environmentally sound power solutions, primarily in geothermal and recovered energy generation. In addition to designing, developing, building, owning and operating geothermal energy and recovered energy-based power plants in the United States and other countries, Ormat also designs, manufactures and sells power units and other power generating equipment for geothermal power plants and recovered energy-based electricity generation.
Ormat is today's only vertically-integrated provider of geothermal and recovered energy-based equipment, services and power that designs, develops, builds and manufactures most of the equipment used in its plants. The in-depth knowledge gained from these operations gives it a competitive edge by enabling efficient maintenance and timely response to operational issues.

地热能(Geothermal Energy)是由地壳抽取的天然热能,这种能量来自地球内部的熔岩,并以热力形式存在,是引致火山爆发及地震的能量。地球内部的温度高达7000℃,而在80至100公英里的深度处,温度会降至650至1200℃。透过地下水的流动和熔岩涌至离地面1至5公里的地壳,热力得以被转送至较接近地面的地方。高温的熔岩将附近的地下水加热,这些加热了的水最终会渗出地面。运用地热能最简单和最合乎成本效益的方法,就是直接取用这些热源,并抽取其能量。地热能是可再生资源。

Remember, while reward cannot be quantified before the move is over, risk to a large degree can be quantified, controlled, and managed appropriately. Please, control risk! Risk is a serious business! If you do not manage risk appropriately, you will not survive in the stock market for very long! If you manage risk well, you will be able to "play" the market forever, and you will be able to catch the big winners, which can go up 100%, 200%, 500%, and even 1000% or more! Yes, we know it, and we have done it time and time again.