We are still in a bull market

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Market Overview
We are still in a bull market. The correction/consolidation that we have been talking about is intermediate-term in nature. The primary trend is still up.
There are a few buyable stocks according to our investment models. But before we do anything, we need to remind ourselves of the following:
收到信号后,第二天开盘即买入,从买入点,如果股票跌10%,  立马割肉止损,如果涨,抓住不放
While the large-cap stocks are correcting, the small-cap stocks are making new highs on higher volume. As we mentioned before, this shows a sector rotation.

Today, our system reports 1 buyable stock on the Chiense stock exchanges: $天威视讯(SZ002238)$  

Hong Kong
Our system reports 1 immediately buyable stock on the Hong Kong stock exchange: $东瀛游(06882)$  

US small-caps has been in a bull market. It broke out a huge muli-year trading range and it goes into a possible secular bull market. It went up smartly for a year, then consolidated sideways for a year. Now it looks like that it wants to go higher again. If the scenario plays out, there will be many, many stocks that will double, triple, go up 5 times, 10 times or more.
Today our system has identified 1 immediately buyable stock on the US stock exhchanges: $POPEYES LA KITCHEN INC(PLKI)$  

Remember, while reward cannot be quantified before the move is over, risk to a large degree can be quantified, controlled, and managed appropriately. Please, control risk! Risk is a serious business! If you do not manage risk appropriately, you will not survive in the stock market for very long! If you manage risk well, you will be able to "play" the market forever, and you will be able to catch the big winners, which can go up 100%, 200%, 500%, and even 1000% or more! Yes, we know it, and we have done it time and time again.
