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回复@yy_unicorn: $凌动智行(LKM)$ 退市

802.01C Price Criteria for Capital or Common Stock

A company will be considered to be below compliance standards if the average closing price of a security as reported on the consolidated tape is less than $1.00 over a consecutive 30 trading-day period.

Once notified, the company must bring its share price and average share price back above $1.00 by six months following receipt of the notification. A company is not eligible to follow the procedures outlined in Paras. 802.02 and 802.03 with respect to this criteria. The company must, however, notify the Exchange, within 10 business days of receipt of the notification, of its intent to cure this deficiency or be subject to suspension and delisting procedures. In addition, a domestic company must disclose receipt of the notification by issuing a press release disclosing the fact that it has fallen below the continued listing standards of the Exchange within the time period allotted by SEC rules for the making of a filing with respect to Exchange notification of that event, but no longer than four business days after notification. A non-U.S. company must issue this press release within 30 days after notification. If the company fails to issue this press release during the allotted time period, the Exchange will issue the requisite press release. The company can regain compliance at any time during the six-month cure period if on the last trading day of any calendar month during the cure period the company has a closing share price of at least $1.00 and an average closing share price of at least $1.00 over the 30 trading-day period ending on the last trading day of that month. In the event that at the expiration of the six-month cure period, both a $1.00 closing share price on the last trading day of the cure period and a $1.00 average closing share price over the 30 trading-day period ending on the last trading day of the cure period are not attained, the Exchange will commence//@yy_unicorn:回复@石沉大海UPUP:你搜过么?纽交所根本就没有股价方面是退市规则,只有市值收入相关的退市规则。
2018-09-15 07:11
$凌动智行(LKM)$ 正常程序的话,国庆长假后,这个垃圾公司将因为股价低于一块钱超过30天,进入NYSE退市程序。


2018-09-15 16:40


2018-09-15 16:27
