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" data-reactid="47">INDICATION

ELZONRIS is a CD123-directed cytotoxin for the treatment of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) in adults and in pediatric patients 2 years and older.

The ELZONRIS label contains a boxed warning for CLS, which may be life-threatening or fatal and can occur in patients receiving ELZONRIS. Physicians are advised to monitor for signs and symptoms of CLS and take actions as recommended in the full prescribing information.


Capillary Leak Syndrome " data-reactid="51">Capillary Leak Syndrome

ELZONRIS can cause capillary leak syndrome (CLS), which may be life-threatening or fatal if not properly managed. The overall incidence of CLS in clinical trials was 55% in patients receiving ELZONRIS, including 46% in Grades 1 or 2, 6% in Grade 3, 1% in Grade 4, and 2 fatal events. Common signs and symptoms (incidence ≥20%) associated with CLS that were reported during treatment with ELZONRIS include hypoalbuminemia, edema, weight gain, and hypotension. Capillary leak syndrome is defined as any event reported as CLS during treatment with ELZONRIS or the occurrence of at least 2 of the following CLS manifestations within 7 days of each other: hypoalbuminemia (including albumin value less than 3.0 g/dL), edema (including weight increase of 5 kg or more), hypotension (including systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg).Before initiating therapy with ELZONRIS, ensure that the patient has adequate cardiac function and serum albumin is ≥3.2 g/dL.During treatment with ELZONRIS, ensure that serum albumin levels are ≥3.5 g/dL and have not been reduced by ≥0.5 g/dL from the albumin value measured prior to dosing initiation of the current cycle. Monitor serum albumin levels prior to the initiation of each dose or more often as indicated clinically thereafter. Additionally, assess patients for other signs or symptoms of CLS, including weight gain, new onset or worsening edema including pulmonary edema, hypotension, or hemodynamic instability. Counsel patients to seek immediate medical attention should signs or symptoms of CLS occur at any time.

Hypersensitivity Reactions " data-reactid="62">Hypersensitivity Reactions

ELZONRIS can cause severe hypersensitivity reactions. Grade 3 or higher events were reported in 10% of patients in clinical trials. Monitor patients for hypersensitivity reactions during treatment with ELZONRIS. Interrupt ELZONRIS infusion and provide supportive care as needed if a hypersensitivity reaction should occur. If the reaction is severe, discontinue ELZONRIS permanently.

Hepatotoxicity" data-reactid="65">Hepatotoxicity

Elevations in liver enzymes can occur with ELZONRIS. Grade 3 or higher elevations in liver enzymes occurred in approximately 40% of patients in clinical trials.Monitor alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) prior to each infusion with ELZONRIS. Temporarily withhold ELZONRIS if the transaminases rise to greater than 5 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) and resume treatment upon normalization or when resolved.


The most common adverse reactions in the clinical trials (incidence ≥ 30%) are capillary leak syndrome, nausea, fatigue, peripheral edema, pyrexia, and weight increase. The most common laboratory abnormalities (incidence ≥ 50%) are decreases in albumin, platelets, hemoglobin, calcium, sodium, and increases in glucose, ALT, and AST.

Please see full Prescribing Information.



2018-12-24 17:54
