发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:1喜欢:0

While we saw a high placebo effect in the overall SAGA trial, we observed a considerably lower placebo effect in the 8-gene subset.

The decision to increase the sample size was made according to the protocol defined sample size re-estimatation design, which allows an adjustment in the sample size after an interim analysis of the placebo arm to ensure the trial is appropriately powered.  As a result of the interim analysis performed by an independent unblinded statistician, the sample size will be increased from 42 to 64 patients.
2018-06-12 23:20
$Aevi Genomic Medicine, Inc.(GNMX)$公司宣布ASCEND临床2期试验Part A亚组将增加患者数量至64名(原计划为42名),该组患者为含有mGluR突变的青少年注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD),一线数据预计在2018年第4季度公布。


2018-06-18 23:11
