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回复 @彭惟达: 转$新浪(SINA)$//@彭惟达:回复 @梁剑: 是5%。Quote:"The deal is a convertible bond($200mm) which converts into sina stock at $65 per share.In addition to that, DST might also buy straight stock in Sina equity.and the convertible bond likely had a samll interest and cound be converted tinto sina stock at 65 per share at any time..." Sina's current market cap is 4Billion. so 200mm investment is actually 5%.I think the media confused sina with sina weibo.The convertiable bond doesn't seem to have anything to do with sina weibo directly. But, it is just my stake base on the above quote.
2011-12-23 09:48
今年7月的时候,曾有媒体报道说新浪拒绝了俄罗斯投资公司DST的5亿美元投资,据称当时DST对新浪微博的估值是50亿美元。然后似乎这事并没有真的结束。刚刚收到硅谷一位投资人士的消息说,新浪已经接受DST对新浪微博的2亿美元的投资,而且他觉得几乎可以... 网页链接