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行业发展的宏观和微观环境、阶段、节奏、以及资本偏好的不同,导致在面对同一个事件影响的时候,结果是完全不一样的。美国的物流供给紧缺,运费上涨....$CSX Corp.(CSX)$ $韵达股份(SZ002120)$ $顺丰控股(SZ002352)$ 

“Certainly with the demand Jason, we’ve seen that truck prices go up. I think it’s a function also there’s a lot of demand out there, but it’s also a supply issue I think in talking to a couple of our customers certainly there’s some concern with respect to drivers. So there’s a shortage there. People who were laid off may not be coming back and not wanting to drive anymore be a truck driver. So there’s a bit of an issue there. And I think you’re starting to see and obviously, we’re seeing the truck prices go up quite significantly.” – CSX (CSX) Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing Mark Wallace