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事实上,根据宾夕法尼亚大学癌症基因治疗专家 Bruce Levine 的说法,“全球已有大约 35,000 名患者接受了 CAR T 疗法的治疗。”因此,19例继发癌症仅占治疗患者的0.05%。 “如果有很小比例的癌症是由 CAR 诱发的,我不想轻视它,但我们确实必须将这种风险与传统化疗结合起来,”这也与继发性癌症有关,莱文告诉 BioSpace。

Indeed, according to Bruce Levine, a specialist in cancer gene therapies at the University of Pennsylvania, “there have been around 35,000 patients treated worldwide with CAR T therapies.” Thus, 19 cases of secondary cancer is only 0.05% of treated patients. “If there is a very small percentage of cancers that have been induced by CAR, I don’t want to trivialize it, but we do have to put that risk in context with 网页链接{conventional chemotherapy},” which 网页链接{has also been linked} to secondary cancers, Levine told BioSpace.$金斯瑞生物科技(01548)$ $金斯瑞生物科技(01548)$


2023-12-23 09:35

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2023-12-23 16:30
