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上周被沃尔玛塔吉特 、科尔士的财报吓死了,这周的几个消费股的财报又都不错,美国消费者的消费能力依然强劲,美股大盘长舒一口气。

$Dollar Tree(DLTR)$ 以及达乐的客户收入低一些,工资涨不过通胀的消费者纷纷涌入低价折扣店,给商家带来更加乐观的业绩指引。

开市客上次上涨会员价格还是2017年6月,按照历史上5年半涨价的间隔,会员费近期应该可以涨价,但管理层综合考虑通胀因素,暂时没有涨价计划。As we approach this 5.5-year mark, there will be more discussions with Craig, Ron and the executive team. But for today, we have nothing more specific to report in terms of timing. In addition, given the current macro environment, the historically high inflation and the burden it's having on our members and all consumers in general, we think increasing our membership fee today ahead of our typical timing is not the right time. We will let you know, however, when that changes.