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$巨腾国际(03336)$ the Surface Pro 5 will upgrade the screen seen on previous devices, allowing for 4K UltraHD resolution, meaning you can watch videos and play games in greater detail.

The device will most likely keep the 12.3in size seen it is predecessor in order to be portable, with a lightweight aluminium body protecting what's inside.

We're also expecting around 512GB of storage and 16GB of RAM, as well as a smarter version of the Surface Pen stylus which should feature wireless charging.

As for release date, we’re expecting Microsoft to keep to its usual October launch cycle, as it has done with previous Surface devices.

However with the next generation of Windows 10 software set to be launched in April, the company could yet spring a surprise and reveal the Surface Pro 5 then - we’ll just have to wait and see.


2017-03-20 13:04
