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$阿斯利康(AZN)$ $吉利德科学(GILD)$ TROP2 ADC dato Dxd 2L+ non-sq NSCLC vs 多西他赛 ,OS 优势未达到统计学显著性,有临床意义。2L 多西确实不太容易打败。网页链接



nsq-nsclc HR0.77都没有统计优效啊。会不会是样本数太少了

我重新读了一下,看了一下wording,很可能non sq人群 HR上限是<1的,达到数值上的统计显著性。但由于预设的是全人群的分析,所以PR在non sq 亚组中不能claim stat significant,可以看对于PFS的写法。
datopotamab deruxtecan demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in PFS in the overall trial population and a clinically meaningful PFS benefit in patients with nonsquamous NSCLC.
所以在non sq 人群疗效可能不错,等ASCO数据。

05-27 22:32

应该是ITT人群 OS HR 0.90,没有达到统计学意义;NSQ人群OS HR 0.77,有临床意义的改善;

05-27 21:59


05-27 22:21


05-27 21:57

In the overall trial population, survival results numerically favoured AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo’s datopotamab deruxtecan but did not reach statistical significance
TROPION-Lung01 previously met the dual primary endpoint
of progression-free survival in the overall trial population
Results support applications currently under review by
regulatory authorities globally including in the US and EU