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恒瑞的这个例子让我想到PCSK-9 siRNA,我觉得情况很相似,都是I期完成的asset,落后FIC(单抗)时间比较长(~5年),me better主要胜在给药频次低(6个月 vs 1个月),Alnylam当时的upfront 是2500万美金,最后做完三期被诺华97亿美金收了。从这个角度看恒瑞的deal还是比较公允;GSK买的有点贵了,只能说Aiolos Bio会卖,GSK和AZ作为呼吸龙头,GSK刚好缺个TSLP,并且有机会拓展COPD等其他适应症,这个钱也就掏了。当然,同行对比,百济 信达,恒瑞的BD确实是短板,没有把自己的资产收益最大化。
Under the terms of the agreement, The Medicines Company will make an upfront cash payment of $25 million to Alnylam. Alnylam may also receive potential development and commercial milestone payments of up to $180 million. Alnylam will be eligible to receive scaled double-digit royalties on global products sales of ALN-PCS products.