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$Summit Therapeutics(SMMT)$


The second question around HARMONi-2 and HARMONi-3, remember, HARMONi-2 is a China-only study. And I think we want to be clear that it was never anticipated that we would be able to file on the HARMONi-2 data. However, given the strength of the data, we're going to sort of make every way possible to make this therapy available to patients as soon as possible.

In addition, the question around PFS translating to OS, I would say that for HARMONi-2 and HARMONi-3, the earlier study usually occurs in other words, the earlier you make therapy available for patients, the more likely that you'll have a translation for PFS to OS. There's always the risk that PFS won't translate to OS. But again, given the strength of the data and the trends that we're observing gives us very good confidence that we'll hit those end points. Go ahead, Jack.


$康方生物(09926)$ 夏姐姐没说的话,summit说了

Howard (Jack) West (Executives)
If I can add anything, this is Jack. For me, I think it was extremely important that the press release specifies that the PFS improvement was observed broadly across the different subgroups that included the low and the high as well as adeno and squamous. And we've seen extremely promising results in squamous and this really showed us it is not limited to any one group kind of pulling anybody else across the goal line, but rather that this is really seen everywhere.
I'd also note that, of course, pembrolizumab was the first of these agents that was approved in first-line non-small cell lung cancer back in 2016 that changed everything and it has been the pacesetter with great results in high PD-L1. That was back in 2016. The first of them, that's been a high bar and showing that you can beat pembrolizumab in a setting where it has achieved very well is a very strong statement. So it's not just winning in the setting where there might be some relative weakness, but winning across the board and even in an area where pembrolizumab has been known to be an extremely strong treatment, and you can hope to do better than that is a real statement, I would say.

06-06 17:19

请问这是哪个采访呀 有没有网址呀

06-06 06:37

But again, given the strength of the data and the trends that we're observing gives us very good confidence that we'll hit those end points. Go ahead, Jack.
