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$挪威邮轮(NCLH)$ 各位邮轮粉给点意见?

Assuming it manages to eke out the same net profit as 2018-2019, the interest expense + dilution due to convertible notes will only yield a forecasted annual eps 2.40 post recovery. And that's if it manages to keep margins the same.
I estimate the value to be $2 eps annually. With a pe of 10 , this stock is only worth $20 in the future if it manages to generate same figures as 2020/2019.


2020-08-02 19:49

NCLH   这股增发过。即使2021年盈利水平能够恢复到2019年的水平,每股2块钱,平均PE11, 也就值得22块。况且邮轮行业需要相当长的时间恢复,疫苗的普遍接种最早也要到每年6月份了。而且邮轮的盈利和满座率有很大关联,游客不满员,运营利润必定大受影响。看看美国目前还是每天6万多的新增,邮轮行业的复苏遥遥无期。但不排除疫苗的好消息会带动一波行情。拭目以待。