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但继续挂牌:1)是有维护成本的(每年大概500万人民币左右的审计成本,挂牌费、公共维护费用),2)以及由此低价状态而致的负面公司形象,权衡许久,持股比例较大的大股东,去私有化上市公司,就是一个比较大的概率的选项了$聚美优品(JMEI)$ ;或听之任之,我行我素,反正100%的公司资产在我手中自如使用,但我也只是部分占比。许多较低持股比例的大股东,往往就没有动力私有化,而维持现状。$搜狐(SOHU)$ 

For companies whose market value is lower than their operating capital (Cigarette Butts), what do their major shareholders think of their own shares? In other words, what is the purpose of its continued listing?

Refinancing is unlikely because major shareholders are not willing to dilute their shares at this low price (major shareholders sell their shares).

But continue listing: 1) there are maintenance costs (annual audit costs of about 5 million RMB, listing fees and public maintenance fees), 2) and the negative corporate image caused by the low price.

After weighing for a long time, the major shareholders with a large proportion of shares will privatize the listed companies, which is a relatively high probability option; Or let it go ( I have 100% of the company's assets at my disposal, but I only have a part of it ). Many large shareholders with a lower shareholding often have no incentive to privatize.


2020-04-05 22:46
