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Axiom Capital Management is an investment boutique committed to deliver top tier investment services to growth companies and investors. Our services include investment banking, institutional sales and trading, and asset management. Our clients include institutional investors, high net worth individuals and corporations that rely on us to identify quality investment opportunities. Axiom has also established a presence in both China and Brazil.//@粽子散人:回复@心远居主人:与旭龙有关的企业开封万农农作物种植有限公司(宋都万农)、河南商丘旭龙再生资源有限公司(商丘旭龙)在2015年1月,经上海瑞紫投资管理有限公司推荐在上海股权托管中心挂牌。不知道这家公司在玩啥游戏。
2014-12-22 15:47
Yulong Eco-Materials, a Chinese producer of fly-ash bricks and concrete used in commercial and residential construction, filed on Friday with the SEC to raise up to $100 million in an initial public offering.