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$Synthesis Energy Systems(SYMX)$ 哈哈,简直不敢相信,还以为要阴跌好几天才捡得回来,今天就捡回来啦~~老外真是傻,虽然前天的消息是2次炒作,没有现金流的增加,但是重点不是这个,是公告里的这句话:The uniquely competitive and high growth ZCM-SES clean coal gasification platform coincides with the recent announcement, by the director of the Shanxi State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission at the 12th National People's Congress, of the planned formation of a large coal to gas, liquids, glycols and olefins base to provide clean energy to North China.老外永远搞不明白,在中国做生意,政府的支持多重要。老外也不明白,从宣布成立JV到拿到牌照只花了2个月意味着什么。我又回来啦~!


2014-04-06 05:41

意味着 这股不爆不合适

2014-03-22 02:49
