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路透社独家:波音在737 MAX重大设计变更中使FAA处于黑暗中-美国IG报告

Exclusive: Boeing kept FAA in the dark on key 737 MAX design changes - U.S. IG report
David Shepardson, Eric M. Johnson, Tracy Rucinski
WASHINGTON/SEATTLE/CHICAGO (Reuters) - Boeing Co (BA.N) failed to submit certification documents to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) detailing changes to a key flight control system faulted in two fatal crashes, a long-awaited government report seen by Reuters has found.

FILE PHOTO: A Boeing 737 MAX airplane lands after a test flight at Boeing Field in Seattle, Washington, U.S. June 29, 2020. REUTERS/Karen Ducey
The flight control system, known as MCAS, was “not an area of emphasis” because Boeing presented it to the FAA as a modification of the jet’s existing speed trim system, with limited range and use, according to the report.

The 52-page report by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Inspector General (IG), dated June 29 and set to be made public Wednesday, laid bare mistakes made by both the planemaker and FAA in the development and certification of Boeing’s top-selling aircraft.

The FAA and the IG did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A Boeing spokesman said the company had taken steps to enhance safety and was committed to transparency. “When the MAX returns to service, it will be one of the most thoroughly scrutinized aircraft in history, and we have full confidence in its safety,” he said.

The IG’s report is the latest of reports faulting the plane’s approval, while the Justice Department has an ongoing criminal investigation.


The 737 MAX has been grounded from commercial flight worldwide since March 2019 after two crashes killed 346 people in Ethiopia and Indonesia over a five-month span.

Boeing’s so-called MCAS stall-prevention system has been faulted in both crashes, when the system repeatedly and forcefully pushed down the jet’s nose as pilots struggled to intervene. Crash investigators have pinpointed a cocktail of other factors.

The inspector general report details activities from the early phase of the certification process in January 2012 through the second crash and details allegations of “undue pressure” from Boeing management on workers handling safety certification. The IG’s office will issue recommendations to the FAA later this year, the Transportation Department said in comments about the draft report submitted on June 8.

Boeing kept the FAA in the dark on significant changes to MCAS, the report said. Then, the FAA first conducted its first-ever detailed review of the system in January 2019, three months after the first crash in Indonesia. The review resulted in documentation that was never finalized, the report said.


The report noted that after the Indonesia crash the FAA completed a risk analysis that found that the uncorrected risk to the 737 MAX was 2.68 fatalities per 1 million flight hours, which exceeded the FAA’s risk guidelines of 1 fatality per 10 million flight hours.

A December 2018 FAA analysis determined a risk of about 15 accidents occurring over the life of the entire 737 MAX fleet if the software fix was not implemented.

After the crashes, Boeing proposed and FAA accepted a redesign of MCAS software that would include additional safeguards against unintended MCAS activation.

Boeing agreed to develop the software update by April 12 and operators would have until June 18, 2019, to install the software. As Boeing worked on proposed software upgrade for MCAS, a second plane crashed in March 2019 in Ethiopia.

The FAA is currently evaluating the MCAS upgrades during a series of certification test flights this week that could pave the way for the jet’s return domestically by year end.

“While we have not found any evidence of an inappropriately close relationship between FAA and Boeing to date, some FAA personnel expressed concern that FAA executives are too deferential to Boeing,” the report said.

In response to the report, the Transportation Department said the FAA’s certification of the 737 MAX was “hampered by a lack of effective communication” between the agency and U.S. planemaker.

Crucially, that included the “incomplete understanding of the scope and potential safety impacts” of the changes Boeing made to the jet’s flight control system to give it more power and authority, the agency said.

“Key FAA certification engineers and personnel responsible for approving the level of airline pilot training were unaware of the revision to (MCAS),” the report said.

Reporting by David Shepardson in Washington, Eric M. Johnson in Seattle, and Tracy Rucinski in Chicago; Additional reporting by Jamie Freed in Sydney; Editing by Chris Reese and Tom Brown


2020-07-01 09:43




2020-07-01 13:01


FAA Statement

The FAA and Boeing are conducting a series of certification flights this week to evaluate Boeing’s proposed changes to the automated flight control system on the 737 MAX. The aircraft departed from Boeing Field in Seattle at 9:55 a.m. Pacific Time today for the first round of testing. The flight is expected to take several hours.

The certification flights are expected to take approximately three days. They will include a wide array of flight maneuvers and emergency procedures to assess whether the changes meet FAA certification standards. The tests are being conducted by test pilots and engineers from the FAA and Boeing.

While the certification flights are an important milestone, a number of key tasks remain. The FAA is following a deliberate process and will take the time it needs to thoroughly review Boeing’s work. We will lift the grounding order only after we are satisfied that the aircraft meets certification standards.

美国联邦航空局(FAA)和波音(Boeing)本周将进行一系列的认证飞行,以评估波音(Boeing)对737 MAX自动飞行控制系统的拟议变更。该飞机今天太平洋时间上午9:55从西雅图的波音飞机场出发,进行了第一轮测试。预计飞行需要几个小时。



2020-07-01 08:52


2020-07-01 09:03

@钝愚道人 ,😄

2020-07-01 08:40




甚至于,关于本次试飞,“ FAA的关键认证工程师和负责批准飞行员培训水平的人员不知道对(MCAS)的修订。”

第二,因为上述第一条的原因,所以本周一开始的波音737 MAX飞机的试飞,MCAS飞行控制系统根本“不是重点审查领域”,本周的试飞只是展示了对喷气式飞机现有的速度调整系统的改进(并不是MCAS系统的改进),所以在防止飞机事实和安全方面的范围和用途受到限制。

2020-07-01 08:07


@YoungQiu:独家:波音在737 MAX重大设计变更中使FAA处于黑暗中-美国IG报告

David Shepardson,Eric M.Johnson,Tracy Rucinski

华盛顿/西雅图/芝加哥(路透社)-期待已久的政府报告称,波音公司(BA.N)未能向美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)提交认证文件,该文件详细说明了两次致命坠机事故中关键飞行控制系统的变更 路透社看到的发现。

文件图片:2020年6月29日,一架波音737 MAX飞机在美国华盛顿州波音机场试飞后降落。REUTERS/ Karen Ducey


美国运输部监察长办公室(IG)于6月29日发布的这份长达52页的报告定于周三发布,该报告揭露了飞机制造商和FAA在波音最畅销产品的开发和认证中所犯的错误。 飞机。

FAA和IG没有立即回应置评请求。 波音公司发言人说,该公司已采取措施提高安全性,并致力于提高透明度。 他说:“当MAX重新投入使用时,它将成为历史上受到最严格审查的飞机之一,我们对其安全性充满信心。”



自2019年3月起,737 MAX在五个月的时间里两次坠毁导致埃塞俄比亚和印度尼西亚的346人丧生,此后在全球商业航班上停飞。

波音所谓的MCAS失速预防系统在两次坠机事故中均出现了故障,当时该系统在飞行员努力干预的过程中反复强行将喷气机的机头向下推。 事故调查人员指出了其他因素。

监察长报告详细介绍了从2012年1月认证过程的早期阶段到第二次空难的活动,并详细介绍了波音管理层对处理安全认证的工人施加的“过大压力”的指控。 运输部在6月8日提交的报告草稿中表示,IG的办公室将于今年晚些时候向FAA提出建议。


报告说,波音公司由于MCAS的重大变化而使FAA处于黑暗之中。 然后,美国联邦航空局(FAA)于2019年1月首次对系统进行了详细的审查,距离印尼首次坠机事故已经三个月了。 报告称,审查产生的文件从未完成。


报告指出,在印尼坠机事故发生后,FAA完成了一项风险分析,发现未经修正的737 MAX风险为每100万飞行小时2.68人死亡,这超出了FAA的风险指导原则,即每1000万飞行小时1人死亡。

FAA于2018年12月进行的一项分析确定,如果未实施软件修复,则整个737 MAX机队整个生命周期内将发生约15起事故。


波音公司同意在4月12日之前开发软件更新,并且运营商必须在2019年6月18日之前安装软件。 当波音公司为MCAS进行建议的软件升级时,第二架飞机于2019年3月在埃塞俄比亚坠毁。




美国运输部在回应该报告时表示,美国联邦航空局(FAA)对737 MAX的认证“受到该机构与美国飞机制造商之间缺乏有效沟通的阻碍”。


报告称:“ FAA的关键认证工程师和负责批准飞行员培训水平的人员不知道对(MCAS)的修订。”

华盛顿的David Shepardson,西雅图的Eric M. Johnson和芝加哥的Tracy Rucinski的报道; Jamie Freed在悉尼的其他报道; 克里斯·里斯(Chris Reese)和汤姆·布朗(Tom Brown)编辑