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刚刚聊过房租就刷到这一条推:Rents (red) represent a large portion of core inflation, and they lag house prices (grey) by 3-4 quarters - that’s a long time.You are investing in a world where the Fed won’t stop tightening until core PCE materially converges to 2%. Don’t fight the Fed.

$纳指100ETF-Invesco(QQQ)$ $恐慌1.5X做多-ProShares(UVXY)$ $山东黄金(SH600547)$ #CPI超预期引加息忧虑,美股全线走低# 刚刚聊过房租就刷到这一条推:R刚刚聊过房租就刷到这一条推:R


2022-09-17 15:46

那就整体等于 会加息延迟3-4 季度,直到衰退ing 中 仍旧加息…………