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电商,广告商,云服务提供商,游戏开发,fintech,以及中层技术人员是genAI 应用的一些典型受益者/使用者。

用claude 3 免费版简单总结了一下今天盘后SAP的earnings call, genAI 部分如下,强调了Business AI 对业绩的推动:

Business AI was a major focus, with SAP rolling out generative AI capabilities across its portfolio. This includes the new "Joule" conversational AI interface and embedding generative AI models directly into products. SAP expects Business AI to be a major driver of future growth and differentiation.

SAP reaffirmed its outlook for 2024 and its 2025 ambition, driven by the transition of its installed base to the cloud, new customer acquisitions, and innovations like Business AI. The company is executing a transformation program to drive operational efficiency and capture the AI opportunity."