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We could do that because we always maintain at least $20 billion – and usually far more – in cash equivalents. And by that we mean U.S. Treasury bills, not other substitutes for cash that are claimed to deliver liquidity and actually do so, except when it is truly needed. When bills come due, only cash is legal tender. Don’t leave home without it.
我们之所以能做到这一点,是因为我们始终保持至少 200 亿美元(通常远超这一数额)的现金等价物。我们指的是美国国库券,而不是其他现金替代品。这些替代品号称可以提供流动性,而且确实如此,除非真正需要。当账单到期时,只有现金才是法定货币。出门时别忘了带现