发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:4喜欢:0

$九安医疗(SZ002432)$ Officials and health experts express their concerns and worries again.

In the wake of a flurry of warnings from officials over a potential COVID-19 resurgence in the United States, there are growing concerns among health experts that dwindling access to public data, the shuttering of COVID-19 testing sites and with an increasing number of people using at-home tests instead, it could leave the nation vulnerable to unforeseen upticks.

"Testing has always been a cornerstone of our pandemic response. Without this surveillance data, we are flying blind and are almost certainly going to repeat mistakes of the past," Brownstein said. "When we close testing sites, we not only put individuals, their contacts and their communities at risk, we undermine critical public health infrastructure."



2022-03-22 22:57


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