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原创 柳工国际 柳工国际 LiuGong Global 2024-06-20 21:09 广西 柳工亮相


LiuGong Participated in the Exponor Chile 2024

近日,柳工拉美与当地经销商Tattersall Multimaq参加了智利Exponor矿业展览会。

Recently, LiuGong Latin America participated in the Exponor Chile 2024 with its dealer Tattersall Multimaq.活动中,柳工展出922E挖掘机、856H装载机以及6612E压路机,并首次在智利推广电动产品。凭借卓越的产品及全面解决方案,柳工展位吸引众多客户关注,进一步扩大柳工在智利的知名度。

During the event, LiuGong showcased 922E excavator, 856H wheel loader, and 6612E roller, and promoted electric products for the first time in Chile. With excellent products and comprehensive solutions, the LiuGong booth has attracted the attention of many customers, further expanding LiuGong's brand awareness in Chile.



The Exponor in Chile is one of the largest mining exhibitions in South America, held every two years. 1,800 companies participated in this year's exhibition.