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药明生物$药明生物(02269)$ The bipartisan legislation would prohibit federal contracts, loans or grants to any Chinese “biotechnology company of concern.” That would apply to companies with research agreements with the National Institutes of Health or sales to the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense, including TRICARE.
Because reimbursements are not considered a federal contract, the updated legislation would not affect Medicare and Medicaid payments, according to staff on the 网页链接{House Oversight and Accountability Committee}, which will be voting on the bill.


亲民的致富财经手05-15 10:24


剑仙faw05-15 10:28

The bipartisan legislation you're referring to is the BIOSECURE Act, which aims to prohibit federal contracts, loans, or grants to any Chinese biotechnology company deemed a "company of concern." This includes companies with research agreements with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or those selling to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or the Department of Defense (DoD), including TRICARE oai_citation:1,Congress Sets Sights on Limiting Access to Chinese Biotech Companies oai_citation:2,The BIOSECURE Act and Its Potential Implications | Insights & Resources | Goodwin oai_citation:3,New bills sound alarms on foreign adversaries and medical diagnostics | LabPulse.com.The legislation specifically targets companies like WuXi AppTec and BGI Genomics, which are linked to the Chinese government and military, to prevent them from accessing U.S. taxpayer dollars. However, reimbursements such as Medicare and Medicaid payments are not considered federal contracts, so they would not be affected by this legislation oai_citation:4,Congress Sets Sights on Limiting Access to Chinese Biotech Companies oai_citation:5,Marshall, Peters, Hagerty, Gallagher & Krishnamoorthi Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Protect American Genetic Data From Foreign Adversaries - Senator Roger Marshall.The bill includes a waiver mechanism that allows the head of a federal agency to waive the prohibition for up to one year if necessary to support the agency's mission and if it's in the U.S. interest oai_citation:6,The BIOSECURE Act and Its Potential Implications | Insights & Resources | Goodwin. The legislation is still under consideration and has not yet been enacted oai_citation:7,Congress Sets Sights on Limiting Access to Chinese Biotech Companies.



05-15 10:33


$药明康德(SH603259)$ 来康德的朋友明天继续吃肉

05-15 17:18


05-15 13:51

05-15 11:07



05-15 10:42

