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$沃森生物(SZ300142)$ jayavac印尼EUA,基础免疫加booster,Indovac只批了基础免疫


2022-09-28 15:46


2022-09-28 16:32

While EUA Indovac as a booster vaccine, Penny said, is currently still in the clinical trial stage. In addition, BPOM has also pocketed an EUA for the Ethane vaccine, both used as a primer and a booster. This Covid-19 vaccine was developed with an mRNA platform.
Penny claims that, although mRNA-based, the Ethane vaccine can be stored in temperatures of 2-8 degrees Celsius. This vaccine is also produced in Indonesia.
"This is an mRNA vaccine that can be stored 2-8 degrees Celsius. So I think it's a good technology too, we're already in Indonesia. It's also got an EUA for boosters and also for primers," Penny said. 这里意思似乎像是已经批了?
As for the Red and White vaccine, Penny said the EUA will be published no later than early October 2022. 
"The red and white vaccine is still in finalization, jd soon. It's September, the beginning of October will get an EUA," Penny said.

2022-09-28 22:04


2022-09-28 16:14


2022-09-28 16:24


2022-09-28 16:25


2022-09-28 21:56


2022-09-28 16:37


2022-09-28 15:53


2022-09-28 17:15

2022-08-26 GMP/CPOB准备是到啥阶段了?
BPOM is ready to assist local vaccine developers who work with global pharmaceutical companies for good manufacturing practice (GMP) or good drug production methods (CPOB) for vaccines produced in Indonesia.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny K Lukito said that a private company PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia is pioneering to produce a Covid-19 vaccine with an mRNA platform in Indonesia. He said it would be made possible through technology transfer from a number of global pharmaceutical companies.
PT Etana is in the process of obtaining certification on how to produce mRNA vaccines, both in the upstream and downstream sectors with technology transfer," penny said in the agenda of the Domestic Drug Development Workshop at the Ayana MidPlaza Hotel Jakarta, Friday (26/8/2022).
Penny said the development of domestic mRNA vaccines by PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia was assisted by global pharmaceutical companies from China, namely Abogen Biosciences Co Ltd and Yuxi Walvax through technology transfer. According to Penny, the two global pharmaceutical companies are clinically proven to be able to produce mRNA-platform vaccines with good quality.
"BPOM is ready to assist in good manufacturing practice (GMP) or good drug production methods (CPOB) vaccines produced in Indonesia," he said. 网页链接
2022-09-27 这是要大干一场了吗
9月27日,印度尼西亚生物制药公司PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia(Etana)宣布完成数千万美元B轮融资,由云锋基金领投。本轮融资将主要用于单克隆抗体药物(mAb)、高端疫苗产品管线的本地化临床和生产,团队能力建设及产能扩张等,加速完善Etana在印尼及东南亚地区的产品布局及本土化生产能力。