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回复@f0reigner: 硅谷银行的案例//@f0reigner:回复@f0reigner:Tier 1 tangible Capital/asset ratio以regulator武断衡量的risk free asset来看,极大可能性的高估了ratio/水分了杠杆比例,从而导致银行危机。例如MBS,CDO,Treausry均视为在低利率假设条件下的无风险资产,因此capital/asset ratio安全边际设置为10%,那么银行就可以按照这个比例来增加杠杆。可是事实上10%是含有很大水分很大主观意见的,而不是市场给出的真正信息。
2023-04-24 02:58
“The die of the inflation-prone dollar system was cast many years ago. The value of the currency rests on political authority, not on the objective value of an ounce of gold. The doctrines of best practice in banking risk control likewise rest on political authority—on the ...