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$AMD(AMD)$  intel Q4财报会议,高层对 10奈米进度的评论,还是蛮模糊的。

Bob Swan

Our 10 nanometer yields continue to improve and Ice Lake remains on track to be in volume systems on retail shelves for the 2019 holiday selling season.

Q&A session

提问 by Harlan Sur (JP Morgan)

Just wanted to get an update on 10 nanometer manufacturer built in. Last quarter, the team mentioned 10 nanometer yields were tracking 14 nanometer yields at a similar point prior to production ramp. Is the team still seeing good improvements in 10 nanometer yields? Are you still tracking 14 nanometer yield ramps? And can you just give us an update on early 7 nanometer development and manufacturability?

回答 by Murthy Renduchintala (intel)

I can only add to what Bob said in his opening statements that we continue to make solid progress against our plan that we shared with you during the course of 2018. And as I said on the last call, I feel better about our traction today than I did 90 days ago. So that continues to bode well for our product launch ambitions, which Bob summarized is having systems on shelf for holiday season in 2019 with a barrage of products across all of our businesses to follow shortly thereafter.

And I would like to take the opportunity to just remind everybody that at CES and in the analyst meeting we had the end of last year, we did show 10 nanometer across the entire portfolio of our product ranges. We talked about Ice Lake clients, which clearly was top of mind in the early discussion. So we also talked about Lakefield. Bob mentioned that as well. Navin talked about 10 nanometer for Ice Lake server. And we also talked about 10 nanometer moving into our network in 5G program which we believe is going to be a big growth sector.

So the story is not just about 10 nanometer yields but 10 nanometer now being a key part of our entire product portfolio. And as I say, I think that coupled with our focus on the pillars of technology that Bob talked about, in my mind I think puts our product portfolio looking forward in a pretty good position. So net-net, I think 10 nanometer is looking better now than at the last earnings call. It's broadly deployed across our portfolios. And that in combination with the other technology ingredients that Bob talked about, we believe sets us up for a pretty exciting product roadmap.